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Projects in Progress since January 2020

Ryan Bruellman proposal: Recommended MET Minutes Per Week to Offset Considerable Sitting Time Visit

Ryan Bruellman proposal: Fruit, Vegetable, and Fiber Intake Based on Neighborhood Food Source Quality Visit

Anqing Zheng proposal: Genetic and environmental influences on cognitive reserve and its relation to frailty Visit

Anqing Zheng proposal: Phenome-wide search of cognitive reserve: using three large scale cohort studies Visit

Jean Choi proposal: Objective and Subjective Neighborhood Contexts and Mental Health: The Moderating Roles of Gender and Educational Attainment Visit

Alexandra Orozco proposal: The Association of Autoimmune Disease with Cognitive Processing Speed Visit

Reynolds Lab proposal: CATSLife video game genre and associations with impulsivity Visit

Natasha Chaku proposal: Prospective and retrospective reports of pubertal timing Visit

Jean Choi proposal: Parenting Stress and Mental Health in Midlife Visit Cross-linked to LTS

Daniel Gustavson proposal: Childhood Musicality and Adult Cognition Visit Cross-linked to LTS Revised MS

Elijah Knapp proposal: Capturing the Relationship Between Spatial Structure and Individual Outcomes: Variation in the Concept of “Access to Parks” and its Association with BMI Visit

Maria Luna proposal: Early Adulthood Measure of Frailty and the Shared Associations with Processing Speed Performance Visit

Claire Morrison proposal: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stress, EF, Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Visit Cross-linked to LTS

Elizabeth Munoz proposal: Associations between environmental characteristics and cognitive function Visit Cross-linked to LTS

Chloe Myers proposal: Evaluating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-cognition associations via BMI and physical activity pathways: A Behavior Genetic Approach Visit

Shandell Pahlen proposal: Etiological pathways between smoking behavior and cognition across the lifespan: A behavior genetic approach Visit

Chandra Reynolds proposal: Accessibility to parks and trails and physical health measures in CATSLife: evaluating selection Visit

Chandra Reynolds proposal: Sleep & Cardiometabolic pathways to Cognitive functioning Visit Cross-linked to LTS

Chandra Reynolds proposal: Application of Video Game Demand Scale (VDGS) to CATSLife leisure time gaming activities Visit

Chandra Reynolds proposal: Neurofilament light chain (NfL) and cognitive performance Visit

J. Megan Ross proposal: Cannabis use and physical health outcomes using a co-twin control design Visit Cross-linked to Center Revised MS

Paige Trubenstein proposal: The Importance of Place in Adults Approaching Midlife Visit

Paige Trubenstein proposal: Activity engagement and cognitive trajectories Visit Cross-linked to LTS

catslife/projects/start.1704746111.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/08 13:35 by gustavsd