Please view projects in progress here. IBG projects intersect each other in many ways, so it is easier to view them all in the same place. THIS SPREADSHEET includes all active CATSLife projects and can be sorted based on dataset.
Ryan Bruellman proposal: Recommended MET Minutes Per Week to Offset Considerable Sitting Time Visit
Ryan Bruellman proposal: Fruit, Vegetable, and Fiber Intake Based on Neighborhood Food Source Quality Visit
Anqing Zheng proposal: Genetic and environmental influences on cognitive reserve and its relation to frailty Visit
Anqing Zheng proposal: Phenome-wide search of cognitive reserve: using three large scale cohort studies Visit
Jean Choi proposal: Objective and Subjective Neighborhood Contexts and Mental Health: The Moderating Roles of Gender and Educational Attainment Visit
Alexandra Orozco proposal: The Association of Autoimmune Disease with Cognitive Processing Speed Visit
Reynolds Lab proposal: CATSLife video game genre and associations with impulsivity Visit
Natasha Chaku proposal: Prospective and retrospective reports of pubertal timing Visit
Jean Choi proposal: Parenting Stress and Mental Health in Midlife Visit Cross-linked to LTS
Daniel Gustavson proposal: Childhood Musicality and Adult Cognition Visit Cross-linked to LTS Revised MS
Elijah Knapp proposal: Capturing the Relationship Between Spatial Structure and Individual Outcomes: Variation in the Concept of “Access to Parks” and its Association with BMI Visit
Maria Luna proposal: Early Adulthood Measure of Frailty and the Shared Associations with Processing Speed Performance Visit
Claire Morrison proposal: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stress, EF, Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Visit Cross-linked to LTS
Elizabeth Munoz proposal: Associations between environmental characteristics and cognitive function Visit Cross-linked to LTS
Chloe Myers proposal: Evaluating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-cognition associations via BMI and physical activity pathways: A Behavior Genetic Approach Visit
Shandell Pahlen proposal: Etiological pathways between smoking behavior and cognition across the lifespan: A behavior genetic approach Visit
Chandra Reynolds proposal: Accessibility to parks and trails and physical health measures in CATSLife: evaluating selection Visit
Chandra Reynolds proposal: Sleep & Cardiometabolic pathways to Cognitive functioning Visit Cross-linked to LTS
Chandra Reynolds proposal: Application of Video Game Demand Scale (VDGS) to CATSLife leisure time gaming activities Visit
Chandra Reynolds proposal: Neurofilament light chain (NfL) and cognitive performance Visit
J. Megan Ross proposal: Cannabis use and physical health outcomes using a co-twin control design Visit Cross-linked to Center Revised MS
Paige Trubenstein proposal: The Importance of Place in Adults Approaching Midlife Visit
Paige Trubenstein proposal: Activity engagement and cognitive trajectories Visit Cross-linked to LTS