Description of Test: This test assesses how
the mother differentially deploys her warmth, attention, and
teaching strategies simultaneously to the twins. To see
the description of the Mother-Child Teaching Task Procedure from
the MALTS procedure document, move there.
To see the form on which the data was recorded, click to see form.
To see a WORD document of the coding instructions for the
Mother-Child Teaching Task, click to access
coding document
Reference: Reference article is not currently identified
Articles: The following articles cite or use data from the Mother-Child Teaching Task procedure:
Still to be addedVariable Names: Variable names from this
database have the prefix V1MCT. The data set has 597 test
subjects and 15 variables. Data were collected by viewing video
tapes of the home visit of 14 month old twins. The variables
include: Coder ID, 11 Mother Child Teaching Task items, and a
comment field.
Move there to move to the complete list of variable
names from this database.
Cleaning: The data have been examined to ensure
that the values of the variables are within range. Compatibility of
the problem codes in the Home Visit Card (V1HVC) database with this database
will be examined.
Composites: There are currently no
composite variables defined from the Mother-Child Teaching Task
Index of variable names and their labels | |
Variable | Label |
TWINID | Twin ID |
V1MCTCDR | 14M MCTT: Coder ID |
V1MCTTIM | 14M MCTT: Total Time (sec) |
V1MCTATT | 14M MCTT: Number of Attends to Child |
V1MCTTOT | 14M MCTT: Total Time Attending Child (sec) |
V1MCTINI | 14M MCTT: Number of Initiations |
V1MCTDEP | 14M MCTT: Number of Dependent Attends |
V1MCTHLD | 14M MCTT: Number of Holds of Child |
V1MCTPOS | 14M MCTT: Average Positive Affect |
V1MCTPRA | 14M MCTT: Number of Praises |
V1MCTOR | 14M MCTT: Number of Orientations |
V1MCTHLP | 14M MCTT: Number of Helping Episodes |
V1MCTNEG | 14M MCTT: Average Negative Affect |
V1MCTCOM | 14M MCTT: Comments |
Mother/Child Teaching Task
This assessment is done at 14, 20, 24 and 36 months. Each mother was asked to sit on the floor with one of her children sitting by each of her knees. Each child was given a peg board with colored shapes at 14 months of age, a square board with colored blocks at 20 and 24 months of age and a sorting board with colored blocks of varying shapes at 36 months of age. Once the mother and her children were engaged in the task, the examiner left the room for seven minutes. Before leaving, the mother was reminded to teach the children to put the shapes and/or colors together, thus encouraging mom to explore her teaching style. The true purpose of this task was to assess differential environment through the mother’s differential attention, warmth, and control strategies with each child.