Home: Freeplay at 14 Months
Aggression/Dominance Coding

Description of Test: This test assesses the qualities of the twins' interactions with each other through a standardized free play situation.  To see the description of the Freeplay Procedure from the MALTS procedure document, move there.   To see a WORD document of the coding instructions for the Mother-Child Teaching Task, click to access coding document
To see the form on which the data was recorded, click on the appropriate image below:

Summary sheet for
  Freeplay Aggression/Dominance Incident descriptions for Freeplay Aggression/Dominance
Summary Freeplay Aggression/Dominance form
Incident Descriptions form

Reference: Reference article is not currently identified

Articles: The following articles cite or use data from the Mother-Child Teaching Task procedure:

Still to be added

Variable Names:  Variable names from this database have the prefix V1MCT. The data set has 597 test subjects and 15 variables. Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the home visit of 14 month old twins. The variables include: Coder ID, 11 Mother Child Teaching Task items, and a comment field.    Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range.  Compatibility of the problem codes in the Home Visit Card (V1HVC) database with this database will be examined.

Composites:  There are currently no composite variables defined from the Mother-Child Teaching Task procedure.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1MCTTIM 14M MCTT:  Total Time (sec)
V1MCTATT 14M MCTT:  Number of Attends to Child
V1MCTTOT 14M MCTT:  Total Time Attending Child (sec)
V1MCTINI 14M MCTT:  Number of Initiations
V1MCTDEP 14M MCTT:  Number of Dependent Attends
V1MCTHLD 14M MCTT:  Number of Holds of Child
V1MCTPOS 14M MCTT:  Average Positive Affect
V1MCTPRA 14M MCTT:  Number of Praises
V1MCTOR 14M MCTT:  Number of Orientations
V1MCTHLP 14M MCTT:  Number of Helping Episodes
V1MCTNEG 14M MCTT:  Average Negative Affect
V1MCTCOM 14M MCTT:  Comments
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Procedure Description:


This measure is assessed in the 14, 20, 24 and 36 month visits as well as the five year visit. The children are asked to go into a room with a door which the mother closed after joining the children. The examiners at 14, 20 and 24 month visits assembled twelve toys in a standardized array on the floor. Then the children and their mothers were called into the room. The mothers had been instructed not to label any of the toys for the children nor to initiate any interaction with the twins. She could respond if approached by the children but interactions were to be kept to a minimum. Appreciation of standards as well as the twins methods of interacting with each other were assessed during this procedure. At ages 36 months, five and seven years, the children were given several vehicles, animals, and play school people to use in their free play. This measure at all ages was fifteen minutes in length.

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