Apply Online

We will request the following from your departmental program:
1) Copy of application materials to departmental doctoral program
2) Copy of GRE scores (including % ranking)
3) Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts
4) Three letters of recommendation

For current CU graduate students (i.e. those who have already completed at least one year of coursework), you may request that two letters of recommendation be sent from your department from your original submission, or you may request two new letters. The third recommendation letter for current CU students must be submitted by their proposed IBG Faculty Fellow mentor.

If you would prefer to apply via mail, please download this document.


US Citizen?

Single or Married?

2) ( if applicable )
3( if applicable )

GPA information

Graduate Record Examinations:

Which IBG faculty fellow are you interested in as an advisor?

Please write a summary (200 words maximum) of your interests in behavioral genetics, including your long-term goals, and list your relevant publications, if any.

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