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CATSLIFE was funded in 2015 to collect a new round of information from the CAP & LTS longitudinal samples and archive existing data into a unified database system. Principal Investigators are Chandra Reynolds and Sally Wadsworth. Although LTS and CAP samples underwent different testing protocols before age 4, and subsequently to age 16, there is a high level of overlap in test materials between ages 4 and 16, and in the three waves of the CADD (Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence).

Testing History

Download these Excel spreadsheets to see the testing history by test year for each CAP or LTS subject:

CAP Testing History Through July 12, 2016

LTS Testing History Through April 23, 2016


This series of files represents data collected directly under the CATSLIFE and/or the fMRI grants.

Paper forms (double-entered & verified) Download SPSS .sav file
Self-reported Questionnaire (includes fMRI testing) Download SPSS .sav file
Two interviews remain missing from conducted PhenX interviews (01-Feb-2017)
Diagnostic Interview Schedule (GAD, MDD, ASPD) Download SPSS .por file
PhenX Substance Use Interview Download SPSS .sav file

For data from the geocoding project, please contact Dr. Chandra Reynolds and her team.


Visit the archived data page:



Visit the publications page: 2015-2017

Last NCBI search conducted 01-Feb-2017

DOCUMENTS (includes meeting notes)

Visit the CATSLIFE documents page: documents

Projects in Progress

You can sort these info by Author, Title, Start Date & Last Update by clicking on those headers in the top row. For more information on an entry, including co-author info and detailed description, please click on the far right date link. If you need to edit an entry, please click on the far right link for that project and change the values on that page.

If this is your first project entered, please email Robin Corley at after you have added with your wiki username in order to obtain data access. Data access requires a second login to a secure repository.

Citing the Proper Grants

When preparing manuscripts for publication, it is very important to cite the appropriate grants, and to have your mentors review your citations. To aid in this process, Sally-Ann Rhea has prepared this WORD document to guide you to the proper grant acknowledgements.

Grant References Download

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catslife/start.1485988684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/01 15:38 by corley