Fellows, Research Associates, and Senior Research Associates
Beth Bennett
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1986. Molecular identification
of genes underlying initial sensitivity to alcohol and alcohol
Ph.D. University of Denver, 2005. Component processes of listening
and reading comprehension, and how they are impacted in children
with learning disabilities.
Ph.D., Kings College London, 2005. Examination of the relationship between conduct problems and substance use problems,and the interplay of genetic and environmental risks for both conduct problems and
substance problems.
Ph.D., University of Denver, 2003. Neuropsychological and psychiatric
correlates of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, as well
as broader comorbidity issues in childhood psychopathology and
learning disabilities.
Robin Corley
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1987. Longitudinal analysis of
specific cognitive abilities and problem behaviors.
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 2002. Discovery and characterization
of biomarkers of aging, e.g., physiological or molecular characteristics
that predict individual subsequent life span (in the nematode
C. elegans). Also the demographic patterns of mortality displayed
by long-lived mutants, and the relationship between stress resistance
and the rate of aging.
Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 2001. Classical
and molecular genetic methods, such as QTL analysis, congenic
and transgenic mice, and gene expression techniques to identify
and evaluate genes mediating drug-related phenotypes.
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 2002. Working memory and executive
functions, including indiviudal differences and behavioral genetic
analyses of executive functions such as inhibition.
Heather Gelhorn
Ph.D. University of Colorado, 2005. Identification of optimal
phenotypes for QTL studies of adolescent antisocial behavior and
drug abuse.
Sharon Grady
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1973. Function of nicotine in the
central nervous system of mice, specifically, nicotine-stimulated
release of neurotransmitters from synaptosomes.
Brett Haberstick
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 2005. My research aims to understand genotypic variation for studies of complex
traits. My recent work has focused on functional polymorphisms and their
contribution to individual differences in substance use disorders
(alcohol, tobacco) and other disinhibited behavioral problems. Of
long-standing interest is the application of developmental approaches to
examining the etiology of these disorders as well their stability and
change across the life-span.
Ph.D., Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1984. Molecular
genetic studies of human behaviors.
Nicole Hoft
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2004. Identification of
genetic mechanisms contributing to alcohol abuse and smoking behaviors,
particularly the role of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Jeffrey Lessem
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1999. Research into the methodology
for detecting quantitative trait loci; particularly in relation
to substance abuse disorders and conduct disorders.
Christopher Link
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1981. Molecular genetics;
modeling of neurodegenerative diseases using transgenic C.
Michael Marks
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1974. Genetic influences on molecular,
biochemical, physiological, and behavioral factors mediating the
responses to nicotine in mice.
L. Florez-McClure
Ph.D., University
of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 2004. Investigating the role
of autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s
disease, using C. elegans as a model organism.
Brad Rikke
Ph.D., University of Texas, 1992. Genetic mapping and identification
of genes underlying dietary restriction's ability to retard aging
in mice.
Stephanie Schmitz
Ph,D., University of Colorado, 1996. Genetic and environmental
influences on the development of temperament, personality, and
problem behavior; behavior genetics of psychopathology and health
Ph.D., University of
Utah, 1980. The application and development of high-throughput
methods for the identification of genes involved in human behavior
and learning.
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1994. Genetic and environmental
influences on development of learning disabilities and academic
Deqing Wu
Ph.D., Peking University, 1995. Statistical and genetic analysis
on aging in C. elegans.
Susan Young
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1998. Genetic and environmental
factors underlying the development of conduct disorder, ADHD and
substance use problems; links between executive cognitive function
and developmental psychopathology.
Joanna Zeiger
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health,
2001. Genetic and environmental factors, particularly gene-environment
interaction, that increase risk to common diseases.