Title 'Combining data from zygosity, 14, 20, & 24 month files'. Subtitle 'Creating a combined Home Shyness file'. * * First, convert each of the portable files into a system file * Each of the four portable files has been downloaded from * data entry system. Keep in each file only the variables needed. * import file = 'zygos.por'. save outfile = 't0.sys'. import file = 'MALTS14.por'/keep=twinid,v1hshypc. save outfile = 't14.sys'. import file = 'MALTS20.por'/keep=twinid,v2hshypc. save outfile = 't20.sys'. import file = 'MALTS24.por'/keep=twinid,y2hshypc. save outfile = 't24.sys'. * * Match the files together, using TWINID as the linking variable * match files file = 't0.sys'/file='t14.sys'/file='t20.sys'/ file = 't24.sys'/by twinid. disp labels. * * Identify means for the Home Shyness composites by different zygosities * means tables = v1hshypc,v2hshypc,y2hshypc by zygos. * * Look at longitudinal stability for the Home Shyness composite * corr v1hshypc,v2hshypc,y2hshypc. * * Export a file with the combined variables * export outfile = 'merge.por'/keep=twinid,family,twin,sex,zygos, v1hshypc,v2hshypc,y2hshypc.