Lab Prohibition Coding at 14 Months

Description of Test: This test assesses the child's response to the command "Now, don't touch," when shown a basket of colorful balls.  To see the description of the Lab Prohibition Procedure from the MALTS procedure document, move there.   To see the form on which the data was recorded, click to see form.

Variable Names:  Variable names from this database have the prefix V1LPRO. The data set has 433 test subjects and 15 variables. Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the lab visit (Inhibition Room Procedure) of 14 month old twins. The variables include: Coder ID, 6 Phase I items, 5 Phase II items, Latency Time to Touch Toy, and Overall Response.  

Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range. Compatibility of the problem codes with the actual databases of each test will be examined.

Composites:  There are NO composites specific to the LAB Prohibition procedure. Data from both home and lab prohibition are aggregated into two hedonic tone composites. See the Home Prohibition Procedure for details.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1LPRO1 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Attention
V1LPRO2 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Touch
V1LPRO3 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Positive Affect
V1LPRO4 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Negative Affect
V1LPRO5 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Total References
V1LPRO6 14M LPRO:  Phase1-Arousal
V1LPRO7 14M LPRO:  Phase2-Attention
V1LPRO8 14M LPRO:  Phase2-Touch
V1LPRO9 14M LPRO:  Latency to Touch (sec)
V1LPRO10 14M LPRO:  Phase2-Positive Affect
V1LPRO11 14M LPRO:  Phase2-Negative Affect
V1LPRO12 14M LPRO:  Phase2-Total References
V1LPRO13 14M LPRO:  Overall Response

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Procedure Description:

Inhibition Room (Prohibition)

...all and completed two questionnaires while the child played freely for twelve minutes. The only other furniture in the room was a closed cabinet that is described next. Two video cameras were used to film the procedures. One remote controlled camera was mounted near the ceiling on the wall opposite the mother, and a second camera was operated from behind a one-way mirror in the wall behind the mother...

... Following this the third and final empathy probe began. The examiner returned to the room and feigned an injury to her foot as she repositioned a chair. After recovering, the examiner opened the cabinet, which housed a large discrepant object (a furry monster at 14 months and a tin can robot at 20 months). Presentation of the discrepant object was the third inhibition episode. The child was invited to approach and explore the object. If the child approached or after 2 minutes of encouragement, a voice was projected through a speaker in the cabinet. This discrepant object episode requires 3 minutes. The final 1-minute procedure involved another prohibition. A basket of colorful balls was placed in front of the child who was firmly told, “Now, don’t touch!” After a brief period of recovery from the prohibition, mother and child returned to the reception room and the second twin then accompanied the mother to the playroom.

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