Home: Infant Behavior Record at 14 Months:
Bayley and Other Additional Procedures Ratings

Description of Test: Examiners assessed the child's behavior (activity, task orientation, and affect-extroversion) during administration of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and again across the non-Bayley portion of the home visit. (Matheny, A. P., Jr. (1980). Bayley's Infant Behavior Record: Behavioral components and twin analysis. Child Development, 51, 1157-1167.)  To see the description of the Bayley Mental Development Index administration from the MALTS procedure document, move thereNote: The Other Additional Procedures ratings were based on the Examiner/Interviewer's aggregate impression from all other Home Visit procedures.  To see the forms on which the data was recorded, click on the appropriate image below:

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	  Bayley Infant Behavior Record Form Second page of
	  Bayley Infant Behavior Record Form Third page of
	  Bayley Infant Behavior Record Form Summary Form for
	  Bayley Infant Behavior Record
Bayley Infant Behavior Record: Q. 1 to Q. 6
Bayley Infant Behavior Record: Q. 7 to Q. 13
Bayley Infant Behavior Record: Q. 14 to Q. 29
Bayley Infant Behavior Record: Summary Form
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	  Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record Form Second page of
	  Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record Form Third page of
	  Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record Form Summary Form for
	  Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record
Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record:
Q. 1 to Q. 6
Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record:
Q. 7 to Q. 13
Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record:
Q. 14 to Q. 27
Other Procedures Infant Behavior Record: Summary Form

Variable Names:  Variables from this test have the prefix V1IBR. The data set has 790 test subjects and 43 variables. Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the home visit of 14 month old twins. The variables include: Interviewer ID, Infant Behavior Scores in a Bayley setting (Items 1-15, 25-29), Infant Behavior Scores in a non-Bayley setting (Items 1-15, 25-27), 3 composite scores, and a comment field.   Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range.

Composites:  The variables V1IBRSC1,V1IBRSC2, and V1IBRSC3 are composites of other variables.

    V1IBRSC1(Affect Score) = V1IBRB2(Social Orientation-Examiner) + V1IBRB4(Cooperation) + V1IBRB5(Fearfulness) + V1IBRB6(Tension) + V1IBRB7(Emotional Tone) + V1IBRB13(Endurance).

The values of the variables V1IBRB5 and V1IBRB6 were reversed, so that low scores were high, and high scores were low. If any of the variables were missing, they were replaced with the appropriate non-Bayley variable (V1IBRN2, V1IBRN4, V1IBRN5 (reversed), V1IBRN6 (reversed), V1IBRN7, or V1IBRN13). If there was still a missing variable, but not more than one, the one variable was replaced by the mean of the variable. (This was not necessary in this version of the data set). If there was more than one missing variable, the composite variable was missing. (Again, this was not necessary in this data set.)

    V1IBRSC2(Activity Score) = V1IBRB14(Activity) + V1IBRB25(Level of Energy).

If any of the variables were missing, they were replaced with the appropriate non-Bayley variable (V1IBRN14 or V1IBRN25). If either variable was still missing, the composite variable was missing. (There were no missing values for the composite variable in this data set).

    V1IBRSC3(Task Orientation Score) = V1IBRB8(Object Orientation) + V1IBRB11(Goal Directedness) + V1IBRB12(Attention Span) + V1IBRB15(Reactivity).

If any of the variables were missing, they were replaced with the appropriate non-Bayley variable (V1IBRN8, V1IBRN11, V1IBRN12, or V1IBRN15). If any variable was still missing, the composite variable was missing. (There were no missing values for the composite variable in this data set).

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1IBRIVR 14M IBR:  Interviewer
V1IBRB1 14M IBR:  Bay - Social Orientation - Persons
V1IBRB2 14M IBR:  Bay - Social Orientation - Examiner
V1IBRB3 14M IBR:  Bay - Social Orientation - Mother
V1IBRB4 14M IBR:  Bay - Cooperation
V1IBRB5 14M IBR:  Bay - Fearfulness
V1IBRB6 14M IBR:  Bay - Tension
V1IBRB7 14M IBR:  Bay - Emotional Tone
V1IBRB8 14M IBR:  Bay - Object Orientation
V1IBRB9 14M IBR:  Bay - Object Orientation - Imaginatively
V1IBRB10 14M IBR:  Bay - Object Orientation - Persistent
V1IBRB11 14M IBR:  Bay - Goal Directedness
V1IBRB12 14M IBR:  Bay - Attention Span
V1IBRB13 14M IBR:  Bay - Endurance
V1IBRB14 14M IBR:  Bay - Activity
V1IBRB15 14M IBR:  Bay - Reactivity
V1IBRB25 14M IBR:  Bay - Level of Energy
V1IBRB26 14M IBR:  Bay - Coordination - Gross
V1IBRB27 14M IBR:  Bay - Coordination - Fine
V1IBRB28 14M IBR:  Bay - Judgement of Test Adequacy
V1IBRB29 14M IBR:  Bay - Unusual or Deviant Behavior
V1IBRN1 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Social Orientation - Persons
V1IBRN2 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Social Orientation - Examiner
V1IBRN3 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Social Orientation - Mother
V1IBRN4 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Cooperation
V1IBRN5 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Fearfulness
V1IBRN6 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Tension
V1IBRN7 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Emotional Tone
V1IBRN8 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Object Orientation
V1IBRN9 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Object Orientation - Imaginatively
V1IBRN10 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Object Orientation - Persistent
V1IBRN11 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Goal Directedness
V1IBRN12 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Attention Span
V1IBRN13 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Endurance
V1IBRN14 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Activity
V1IBRN15 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Reactivity
V1IBRN25 14M IBR:  Non- Bay - Level of Energy
V1IBRN26 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Coordination - Gross
V1IBRN27 14M IBR:  Non-Bay - Coordination - Fine
V1IBRSC1 14M IBR:  Affect Score
V1IBRSC2 14M IBR:  Activity Score
V1IBRSC3 14M IBR:  Task Orientation Score
V1IBRCOM 14M IBR:  Comments
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Procedure Description:

Note: The Bayley Infant Behavior Record ratings are done by the interviewer after the administration of the Bayley. The Other Additional Procedures Infant Behavior Record ratings are done after all other Home Visit procedures are done. The following procedure description is taken from the Bayley:

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Mental Development Scales) and Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development

These two assessments were integrated into one procedure at 14, 20, and 24 months, a more natural and more efficient presentation for children of these ages. The Bayley consists of many tasks representative of problem solving, fine motor coordination, and expressive and receptive vocabulary. Mothers were told that the children’s best performance may depend on either her close proximity or, conversely, her absence during this assessment. Examiners proceeded with each child until a baseline and ceiling of the child’s abilities was obtained. Children who became distressed were permitted to complete testing while sitting on their mother’s lap. The Bayley Scales assessed each child’s level of general cognitive development as compared with other children of the same age.

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