Home Shyness Coding at 14 Months

Description of Test: This test assesses the child’s reaction to the examiners and their equipment in the first five minutes of the home visit.  To see the description of the Entry Procedure from the MALTS procedure document, move there.  To see the form on which the data was recorded, click to see form.


Articles: The following articles cite or use data from the home shyness procedure.

Variable Names:  Variable names from this database have the prefix V1HSHY (V1HSH for one composite variable).  The data set has 785 test subjects and 72 variables.  Three of these subjects have no data attached to the test subject entry.  Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the home visit of 14 month old twins.  The variables include:  Coder ID, Latency to First Approaching Stranger across all 5 minutes, a Hesitation rating, 11 scores for each of the 5 minutes (Approach/Talk, Proximity to Stranger, Plays with Strange Toy, Proximity to Mother, Touches Mother, Clings to Mother, Plays with own Toys, Self-soothing Behavior, Vocalizes, Cries), 13 composite scores and a comment field.  Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range.  Compatibility of the problem codes in the Home Visit Card (V1HVC) database with this database will be examined.

Composites:  There are 13 composite variables:  V1HSHLAT, V1HSHY58, V1HSHY59, V1HSHY60, V1HSHY61, V1HSHY62, V1HSHY63, V1HSHY64, V1HSHY65, V1HSHY66, V1HSHY67, V1HSHY68, and V1HSHYPC. 

    This has the same value as V1HSHY1 (Latency to first approaching stranger across all 5 minutes). If V1HSHY1 was coded as 999 (missing latency score, but data available), then V1HSHLAT was set to 300.  If there are no data other than the coder ID, then V1HSHLAT is recorded as ‘.’ (missing).

    This is an Average Approach/Talk score.  It is the mean of the 5 Approach/Talk scores V1HSHY3, V1HSHY14, V1HSHY25, V1HSHY36, and V1HSHY47.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing. 

    This is an Average Shyness Rating.  It is the mean of the 5 Shyness ratings V1HSHY13, V1HSHY24, V1HSHY35, V1HSHY46, V1HSHY57.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

    This is the calculated number of episodes of Proximity to Strangers.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY4, V1HSHY15, V1HSHY26, V1HSHY37, and V1HSHY48.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

    This is the calculated number of episodes of Plays with Strange Toy.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY5, V1HSHY16, V1HSHY27, V1HSHY38, and V1HSHY49.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Proximity to Mother.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY6, V1HSHY17, V1HSHY28, V1HSHY39, and V1HSHY50.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Touches Mother.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY7, V1HSHY18, V1HSHY29, V1HSHY40, and V1HSHY51.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Clings to Mother.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY8, V1HSHY19, V1HSHY30, V1HSHY41, and V1HSHY52.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Plays with own Toys.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY9, V1HSHY20, V1HSHY31, V1HSHY42, and V1HSHY53.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Self-soothing Behavior.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY10, V1HSHY21, V1HSHY32, V1HSHY43, and V1HSHY54.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Vocalizations.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY11, V1HSHY22, V1HSHY33, V1HSHY44, and V1HSHY55.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

     This is the calculated number of episodes of Crying.  It is 5 times the mean of the individual scores V1HSHY12, V1HSHY23, V1HSHY34, V1HSHY45, and V1HSHY56.  Up to 3 of the 5 scores could be missing.

    This is the loading on the first principal component from a factor analysis of the z scores of V1HSHLAT, V1HSHY2, and V1HSHY58-V1HSHY68.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1HSHY1 14M HSHY:  Latency to First Approach Across All 5 Minutes
V1HSHY2 14M HSHY:  Hesitation
V1HSHY3 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Approach/Talk
V1HSHY4 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Proximity to Stranger
V1HSHY5 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY6 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY7 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Touches Mother
V1HSHY8 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Clings to Mother
V1HSHY9 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY10 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY11 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Vocalizes
V1HSHY12 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Crys
V1HSHY13 14M HSHY:  Minute 1-Shyness rating
V1HSHY14 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Approach/Talk
V1HSHY15 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Proximity to Stranger
V1HSHY16 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY17 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY18 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Touches Mother
V1HSHY19 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Clings to Mother
V1HSHY20 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY21 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY22 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Vocalizes
V1HSHY23 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Crys
V1HSHY24 14M HSHY:  Minute 2-Shyness rating
V1HSHY25 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Approach/Talk
V1HSHY26 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Proximity to Stranger
V1HSHY27 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY28 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY29 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Touches Mother
V1HSHY30 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Clings to Mother
V1HSHY31 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY32 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY33 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Vocalizes
V1HSHY34 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Crys
V1HSHY35 14M HSHY:  Minute 3-Shyness rating
V1HSHY36 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Approach/Talk
V1HSHY37 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Proximity to Stranger
V1HSHY38 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY39 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY40 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Touches Mother
V1HSHY41 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Clings to Mother
V1HSHY42 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY43 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY44 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Vocalizes
V1HSHY45 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Crys
V1HSHY46 14M HSHY:  Minute 4-Shyness rating
V1HSHY47 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Approach/Talk
V1HSHY48 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Proximity to Stranger
V1HSHY49 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY50 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY51 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Touches Mother
V1HSHY52 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Clings to Mother
V1HSHY53 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY54 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY55 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Vocalizes
V1HSHY56 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Crys
V1HSHY57 14M HSHY:  Minute 5-Shyness rating
V1HSHLAT 14M HSHY:  Latency to Approach Stranger
V1HSHY58 14M HSHY:  Average Approach/Talk
V1HSHY59 14M HSHY:  Average Shyness Rating
V1HSHY60 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Proximity to Strangers
V1HSHY61 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Plays with Strange Toy
V1HSHY62 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Proximity to Mother
V1HSHY63 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Touches Mother
V1HSHY64 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Clings to Mother
V1HSHY65 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Plays with own Toys
V1HSHY66 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Self-soothing Behavior
V1HSHY67 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Vocalizes
V1HSHY68 14M HSHY:  Episodes of Crys
V1HSHYPC 14M HSHY:  First Principal Component
V1HSHYCO 14M HSHY:  Comments
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Procedure Description:

Entry: (minutes 0 - 2)

The mothers were instructed beforehand by telephone not to be holding either child as she answered the door so that approaches to mother could be observed. One examiner filmed the children’s response to our arrival, beginning from the moment the door was opened and continuing for six minutes. Each mother was asked to identify “who was who” and the examiner then added what each of the children was wearing for future coding purposes. Mothers were then given consent forms and expense vouchers to complete. They were also asked at this time to not encourage the children in any way for the next four minutes as we wanted to see what the children were comfortable doing on their own. However, if a child wanted to be held during this time this was permitted.

Entry: (minutes 2 - 3)

The examiner not filming took out two toys, placing them near her but still easily accessible by the children and proceeded to play with each toy. She talked out loud about the toy but did not reference either child. If the children had approached the toys at this time or any time from minutes 2 - 5, they were allowed to play with the toys until minute 5.

Entry: (minutes 3 - 4)

At minute three, if the children had not approached the toys, the examiner called one child by name and invited the child to play with the toys. This was then repeated for the second child. The filmer followed each child in turn to record any responses.

Entry: (minutes 4 - 5)

At minute four the examiner picked up a toy and offered it to one of the children by extending her hand and asking if he/she would like to play with it. If the toy was not taken, it was placed either in the child’s hands or close to the child. This procedure was then repeated for the second twin.

Entry: (minutes 5 - 6)

At minute five, whether or not the children have touched or played with the toys, the examiner attempted to place an identifying vest on each child. Upon entering the study, each twin in the pair was assigned the color red or yellow. At 14-36 months, small vests which fastened in the back were worn by each child. At age five, these garments more resembled vests which buttoned in the front. And at age seven, name tags were used for identification purposes. At each age this procedure is used for coding shyness. The less shy children allowed the examiner to put the vest on themselves. The shyer children were those who needed mom’s help and the most shy were those children who refused to wear the garment.

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