Home Prohibition Coding at 14 Months

Description of Test: This test assesses the child's response to the command "Don't touch," when given a glitter wand.  To see the description of the Home Prohibition Procedure from the MALTS procedure document, move there.   To see the form on which the data was recorded, click to see form.


Articles:The following articles cite or use data from the home prohibition procedure.

Variable Names:  Variable names from this database have the prefix V1HPRO. The data set has 497 test subjects and 15 variables. Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the home visit of 14 month old twins. The variables include: Coder ID, 6 Phase I items, 5 Phase II items, Latency Time to Touch Toy, and Overall Response.  

Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range. Compatibility of the problem codes with the actual databases of each test will be examined.

Composites:  The variables V1CPROP and V1CPRON are composites across both the Home and Lab Prohibition episodes.

   These are means scores for Positive Affect and Negative Affect during Phase I and Phase II across both databases respectively.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1HPRO1 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Attention
V1HPRO2 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Touch
V1HPRO3 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Positive Affect
V1HPRO4 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Negative Affect
V1HPRO5 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Total References
V1HPRO6 14M HPRO:  Phase1-Arousal
V1HPRO7 14M HPRO:  Phase2-Attention
V1HPRO8 14M HPRO:  Phase2-Touch
V1HPRO9 14M HPRO:  Latency to Touch (sec)
V1HPRO10 14M HPRO:  Phase2-Positive Affect
V1HPRO11 14M HPRO:  Phase2-Negative Affect
V1HPRO12 14M HPRO:  Phase2-Total References
V1HPRO13 14M HPRO:  Overall Response
V1CPROP 14M Combined HPRO and LPRO:  Mean Positive Affect
V1CPRON 14M Combined HPRO and LPRO:  Mean Negtive Affect
V1CPROCO 14M Combined HPRO and LPRO:  Comments

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Procedure Description:


This procedure was done during the 14, 20, 24 and 36 month visits. At 14, 20 and 24 months it preceded the administration of the Bayley Mental Scales and Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development for which each child was seated in a high chair in different rooms. After seating the child in the high chair, each examiner took out a four-inch acrylic glitter wand. For thirty seconds, the examiner drew attention to the wand by shaking it back and forth. She made eye contact with the child, and then lowered the wand to the high chair tray table saying, “Now, (child’s name), don’t touch.” The examiner then looked away and after thirty seconds she looked back at the child and removed the prohibition saying, “It’s okay, you can touch it now.” The prohibition was removed at this time whether or not the child had touched the wand. Children who still had not touched the wand were encouraged to do so for the next thirty seconds, all other children were filmed the additional thirty seconds with no further encouragement.

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