Home: Freeplay Hedonic Tone Coding at 14 Months

Description of Test: This coding assesses the strength of positive and negative emotion during each of the observed situations. (Easterbrooks, A., & Emde, R. N. (1983). The Hedonic Tone Scales. Unpublished manuscript, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver.)  To see the description of the Freeplay Procedure from the MALTS procedure document, move there. To see the form on which the data was recorded, click on the appropriate image below:

First page of
	  Freeplay Hedonic Tone Form Second page of
	  Freeplay Hedonic Tone Form
Positive Hedonic Tone form
Negative Hedonic Tone form

Variable Names:  Variable names from this database have the prefix V1HTF (from the Freeplay Hedonic Tone database). The Freeplay Hedonic Tone database includes 600 test subjects and 107 variables, and adds 6 composite scores and a comment field. Data were collected by viewing video tapes of the Freeplay Procedure at the 14 month home visit and recording positive and negative responses in incremental time intervals (30 second intervals). The variables include: Difficulty to Code Rating, Total Time (in seconds), Overall Mood Scale, Coder ID, Time (in seconds) till First Smile, Time (in seconds) till First Fret, Total Number of Frets, and a rating for positive and a rating for negative responses in up to 50 time intervals. Additionally, there are variables for the Start Time (in minutes and seconds) for the HTFRP14 data set, and 6 composite variables. Composite variables across both Bayley Hedonic Tone and Freeplay Hedonic Tone are documented under the Bayley Hedonic Tone page.  Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range.

Composites:  There are 6 composite variables: V1HTFAVP, V1HTFAVN, V1HTFSDP, V1HTFSDN, V1HTFAVL, and V1HTFSDL.

    This variable is the average for the 50 positive ratings from the HTFRP14 database. If more than 6 items were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

    This variable is the average for the 50 negative ratings from the HTFRP14 database. If more than 6 items were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

    This variable is the standard deviation of the 50 positive ratings for the HTFRP14 database. If more than 6 items were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

    This variable is the standard deviation of the 50 negative ratings for the HTFRP14 database. If more than 6 items were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

    This is a measure of the lability of the positive and negative responses. It was computed by first transforming the values of the variables, V1HTFRPP1-V1HTFRPP50 and V1HTFRPN1-V1HTFRPN50, from a scale of 1 to 4 into a scale of 0 to 3, and then adding the scores together. The resulting lability scores (50 for each data set) were then averaged to give an average lability score ranging from 0-6. The lability scores were not retained in the database. If more than 6 lability scores were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

    This variable is the standard deviation for the 50 lability scores for the HTFRP14 database. If more than 6 lability scores were missing in the data, the composite score was entered as missing.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1HTFDIF 14M HTFRP:  Difficulty Code
V1HTFTTM 14M HTFRP:  Total time (seconds)
V1HTFOMS 14M HTFRP:  Overall Mood Scale
V1HTF1SM 14M HTFRP:  Latency to first smile (seconds)
V1HTF1FR 14M HTFRP:  Latency to first fret (seconds)
V1HTFTFR 14M HTFRP:  Total frets
V1HTFP1 14M HTFRP:  Positive 1
V1HTFP2 14M HTFRP:  Positive 2
V1HTFP3 14M HTFRP:  Positive 3
V1HTFP4 14M HTFRP:  Positive 4
V1HTFP5 14M HTFRP:  Positive 5
V1HTFP6 14M HTFRP:  Positive 6
V1HTFP7 14M HTFRP:  Positive 7
V1HTFP8 14M HTFRP:  Positive 8
V1HTFP9 14M HTFRP:  Positive 9
V1HTFP10 14M HTFRP:  Positive 10
V1HTFP11 14M HTFRP:  Positive 11
V1HTFP12 14M HTFRP:  Positive 12
V1HTFP13 14M HTFRP:  Positive 13
V1HTFP14 14M HTFRP:  Positive 14
V1HTFP15 14M HTFRP:  Positive 15
V1HTFP16 14M HTFRP:  Positive 16
V1HTFP17 14M HTFRP:  Positive 17
V1HTFP18 14M HTFRP:  Positive 18
V1HTFP19 14M HTFRP:  Positive 19
V1HTFP20 14M HTFRP:  Positive 20
V1HTFP21 14M HTFRP:  Positive 21
V1HTFP22 14M HTFRP:  Positive 22
V1HTFP23 14M HTFRP:  Positive 23
V1HTFP24 14M HTFRP:  Positive 24
V1HTFP25 14M HTFRP:  Positive 25
V1HTFP26 14M HTFRP:  Positive 26
V1HTFP27 14M HTFRP:  Positive 27
V1HTFP28 14M HTFRP:  Positive 28
V1HTFP29 14M HTFRP:  Positive 29
V1HTFP30 14M HTFRP:  Positive 30
V1HTFP31 14M HTFRP:  Positive 31
V1HTFP32 14M HTFRP:  Positive 32
V1HTFP33 14M HTFRP:  Positive 33
V1HTFP34 14M HTFRP:  Positive 34
V1HTFP35 14M HTFRP:  Positive 35
V1HTFP36 14M HTFRP:  Positive 36
V1HTFP37 14M HTFRP:  Positive 37
V1HTFP38 14M HTFRP:  Positive 38
V1HTFP39 14M HTFRP:  Positive 39
V1HTFP40 14M HTFRP:  Positive 40
V1HTFP41 14M HTFRP:  Positive 41
V1HTFP42 14M HTFRP:  Positive 42
V1HTFP43 14M HTFRP:  Positive 43
V1HTFP44 14M HTFRP:  Positive 44
V1HTFP45 14M HTFRP:  Positive 45
V1HTFP46 14M HTFRP:  Positive 46
V1HTFP47 14M HTFRP:  Positive 47
V1HTFP48 14M HTFRP:  Positive 48
V1HTFP49 14M HTFRP:  Positive 49
V1HTFP50 14M HTFRP:  Positive 50
V1HTFN1 14M HTFRP:  Negative 1
V1HTFN2 14M HTFRP:  Negative 2
V1HTFN3 14M HTFRP:  Negative 3
V1HTFN4 14M HTFRP:  Negative 4
V1HTFN5 14M HTFRP:  Negative 5
V1HTFN6 14M HTFRP:  Negative 6
V1HTFN7 14M HTFRP:  Negative 7
V1HTFN8 14M HTFRP:  Negative 8
V1HTFN9 14M HTFRP:  Negative 9
V1HTFN10 14M HTFRP:  Negative 10
V1HTFN11 14M HTFRP:  Negative 11
V1HTFN12 14M HTFRP:  Negative 12
V1HTFN13 14M HTFRP:  Negative 13
V1HTFN14 14M HTFRP:  Negative 14
V1HTFN15 14M HTFRP:  Negative 15
V1HTFN16 14M HTFRP:  Negative 16
V1HTFN17 14M HTFRP:  Negative 17
V1HTFN18 14M HTFRP:  Negative 18
V1HTFN19 14M HTFRP:  Negative 19
V1HTFN20 14M HTFRP:  Negative 20
V1HTFN21 14M HTFRP:  Negative 21
V1HTFN22 14M HTFRP:  Negative 22
V1HTFN23 14M HTFRP:  Negative 23
V1HTFN24 14M HTFRP:  Negative 24
V1HTFN25 14M HTFRP:  Negative 25
V1HTFN26 14M HTFRP:  Negative 26
V1HTFN27 14M HTFRP:  Negative 27
V1HTFN28 14M HTFRP:  Negative 28
V1HTFN29 14M HTFRP:  Negative 29
V1HTFN30 14M HTFRP:  Negative 30
V1HTFN31 14M HTFRP:  Negative 31
V1HTFN32 14M HTFRP:  Negative 32
V1HTFN33 14M HTFRP:  Negative 33
V1HTFN34 14M HTFRP:  Negative 34
V1HTFN35 14M HTFRP:  Negative 35
V1HTFN36 14M HTFRP:  Negative 36
V1HTFN37 14M HTFRP:  Negative 37
V1HTFN38 14M HTFRP:  Negative 38
V1HTFN39 14M HTFRP:  Negative 39
V1HTFN40 14M HTFRP:  Negative 40
V1HTFN41 14M HTFRP:  Negative 41
V1HTFN42 14M HTFRP:  Negative 42
V1HTFN43 14M HTFRP:  Negative 43
V1HTFN44 14M HTFRP:  Negative 44
V1HTFN45 14M HTFRP:  Negative 45
V1HTFN46 14M HTFRP:  Negative 46
V1HTFN47 14M HTFRP:  Negative 47
V1HTFN48 14M HTFRP:  Negative 48
V1HTFN49 14M HTFRP:  Negative 49
V1HTFN50 14M HTFRP:  Negative 50
V1HTFAVP 14M HTFRP:  Average positive responses
V1HTFAVN 14M HTFRP:  Average negative responses
V1HTFSDP 14M HTFRP:  Standard deviation of positive responses
V1HTFSDN 14M HTFRP:  Standard deviation of negative responses
V1HTFAVL 14M HTFRE:  Average lability
V1HTFSDL 14M HTFRE:  Standard deviation of lability
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Procedure Description:

Note: This coding is done from videotaped analysis of the child's face during the Freeplay portion of the Home Visit. The following procedure description is taken from the Freeplay description in the MALTS procedure document:


This measure is assessed in the 14, 20, 24 and 36 month visits as well as the five year visit. The children are asked to go into a room with a door which the mother closed after joining the children. The examiners at 14, 20 and 24 month visits assembled twelve toys in a standardized array on the floor. Then the children and their mothers were called into the room. The mothers had been instructed not to label any of the toys for the children not to initiate any interaction with the twins. She could respond if approached by the children but interactions were to be kept to a minimum. Appreciation of standards as well as the twins methods of interacting with each other were assessed during this procedure. At ages 36 months, five and seven years, the children were given several vehicles animals and play school people to use in their free play. This measure at all ages was fifteen minutes in length.

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