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David -

  1. Submit GSCAN exome paper
  2. have submitted manuscript of initial co-twins paper
    1. Completing QC on parental monitoring and substance use data
    2. Completing QC on location data
    3. Concordance analysis between Michigan and Colorado / trajectory
    4. Predictive analysis - location data to parental monitoring data

Zhen -

  1. Do my part to get draft of GSCAN GWAS to co-authors
  2. Write a dissertation proposal
  3. Find a new project by end of a month

Maia -

  1. revise & resubmit return of results paper
  2. Finish Master's degree

Stephanie -

  1. Start a new project by end of a month
  2. Submit manuscript by end of semester

Hannah -

  1. Graduate
  2. Defend Thesis

Joyce -

  1. Graduate
  2. Defend Thesis

Gargi -

  1. Propose a project by end of a month
  2. Finalize UKBiobank pipeline
  3. Take a trip to Michigan

Emma -

  1. Make an outline of dissertation
  2. Main analyses for UKBiobank ROH done by mid-march

Richard -

  1. Have a final draft of measurement error project
  2. Get Master's Degree / Do comps
  3. Decide prelim or thesis for other MS
keller_and_evans_lab/spring_2017_goals.1485199506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/23 12:25 by mengzhen_liu