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Spring 2021 - All Lab Meetings

Please sign up below to present at the statistical genetics group meetings. Note that Joint lab meetings are biweekly, and that lab meetings with CU Anschutz are first Wed of each month.

Date Lab meeting Presenter
Jan 6 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name - Project here>
Jan 13 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
Jan 20 Joint <Type Name - Project here>
Jan 27 Keller <Type Name Here>
Feb 3 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name - Project here>
Feb 10 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
Feb 17 Joint <Type Name - Project here>
Feb 24 Keller <Type Name Here>
Mar 3 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name - Project here>
Mar 10 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
Mar 17 Joint <Type Name - Project here>
Mar 24 No Meeting SPRING BREAK
Mar 31 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
Apr 7 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name - Project here>
Apr 14 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
Apr 21 Joint <Type Name - Project here>
Apr 28 Keller <Type Name Here>
May 5 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name - Project here>
May 12 Keller <Type Name - Project here>
May 19 Joint <Type Name - Project here>
May 26 Keller <Type Name Here>

Fall 2020 - ALL Lab Meetings

Please sign up below to present at the statistical genetics group meetings. Note that Joint lab meetings are biweekly, and that lab meetings with CU Anschutz are first Wed of each month.

Date Lab meeting Presenter
Sep 2 Anschutz - Boulder Chris Arehart - from Gignoux lab
Sep 9 Joint Katerina - PainGen project update
Sep 16 Keller Subrata Paul - Estimating h2 due to rare variants using imputation dosages
Sep 23 Joint <Type Name Here>
Sep 30 Keller Meng Huang - UKB array data imputation with TOPMed reference panel
Oct 7 Anschutz - Boulder Emmanuel Sapin
Oct 14 Keller Subrata - Mixture of Factor Analysis Regression(MixFAR)
Oct 21 Joint Meng Huang - The gene-based genetic relationship between common and rare variants
Oct 28 Keller <Type Name Here>
Nov 4 Anschutz - Boulder <Type Name Here>
Nov 11 Keller <Type Name Here>
Nov 18 Joint <Type Name Here>
Nov 25 Keller <Type Name Here>
Dec 2 Anschutz - Boulder Emmanuel: “Search for Relative in UKB based solely on PiHat
Dec 9 Keller Katerina (GWAS Benchmarking)
Dec 16 Joint Katerina (GWAS Benchmarking and UKB files scheme on /pl/active/IBG)

Summer 2020 - Keller Lab Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly KELLER statistical genetics group meeting.

Date Presenter
May 27 <Type Name Here>
Jun 10 <Type Name Here>
Jun 24 Jared (15 minutes) and Yongkang (15 minutes)
Jul 08 <Type Name Here>
Jul 22 <Type Name Here>
Aug 5 <Type Name Here>
Aug 19 <Type Name Here>

Summer 2020 - Joint StatGen Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly JOINT statistical genetics group meeting.

Date Presenter
May 20 Pamela- update on rs169xCPD + anyone else if desired
Jun 03 Scott (15 min)
Jun 17 Katerina (can be short or postponed)
Jul 01 Luke (short discussion of strategy identifying non-EUR ancestry groups in UKB
Jul 15 <Type Name Here>
Jul 29 Pamela+Sam- incorporating diverse pop's in PRS's
Aug 12 <Type Name Here>
Aug 26 Tanya. Poster/preliminary results. Shouldn't take long.

Spring 2020 - Joint Lab Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly JOINT statistical genetics group meeting.

Date Presenter
Jan 15 Introduction lab meeting
Jan 29 <Type Name Here>
Feb 12 Richard - update on RC & running specific programs
Feb 26 Yongkang
Mar 11 Sarah + Scott
Mar 25 Spring Break - no meeting
Apr 8 Emmanuel - Calling degree of relatives
Apr 22 Luke - QC steps. + anyone else if desired

Spring 2020 - Keller Lab Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly KELLER LAB meeting.

Date Presenter
Jan 22 <Type Name Here>
Feb 5 <Type Name Here>
Feb 19 <Type Name Here>
Mar 4 StatGen Workshop - no meeting
Mar 18 <Type Name Here>
Apr 1 <Type Name Here>
Apr 15 <Type Name Here>
Apr 29 <Type Name Here>

Fall 2019 - Joint Lab Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly JOINT statistical genetics group meeting.

Date Presenter
Oct. 8 Richard Border
Oct 22 Type name here
Nov 5 Type name here
Nov 19 Scott Funkhouser
Dec 3 Jared
Dec 17 Finals Week - no meeting

Fall 2019 - Keller Lab Meeting

Please sign up below to present at the bi-weekly KELLER LAB meeting.

Date Presenter
Oct. 15 Yongkang Kim - early results for within-relative h2 estimation
Oct 29 Type name here
Nov 12 Richard Border Dissertation Defense - NO LAB MEETING
Nov 26 Thanksgiving holiday - NO LAB MEETING
Dec 10 Type name here

Fall 2017

Spring 2017 Presentation Schedule

Please sign up below to present.

Date Presenter
Jan 30 Type name here
Feb 6 Type name here
Feb 13 Type name here
Feb 20 David
Feb 27 Zhen
Mar 6 Emma
Mar 13 Joyce
Mar 20 Hannah
Apr 10 Stephanie
Apr 17
Apr 24 Richard
May 1 Gargi

Spring 2017 Goals

David -

  1. Submit GSCAN exome paper
  2. have submitted manuscript of initial co-twins paper
    1. Completing QC on parental monitoring and substance use data
    2. Completing QC on location data
    3. Concordance analysis between Michigan and Colorado / trajectory
    4. Predictive analysis - location data to parental monitoring data

Zhen -

  1. Do my part to get draft of GSCAN GWAS to co-authors
  2. Write a dissertation proposal
  3. Find a new project by end of a month

Maia -

  1. revise & resubmit return of results paper
  2. Finish Master's degree

Stephanie -

  1. Start a new project by end of a month
  2. Submit manuscript by end of semester

Hannah -

  1. Graduate
  2. Defend Thesis

Joyce -

  1. Graduate
  2. Defend Thesis

Gargi -

  1. Propose a project by end of a month
  2. Finalize UKBiobank pipeline
  3. Take a trip to Michigan

Emma -

  1. Make an outline of dissertation
  2. Main analyses for UKBiobank ROH done by mid-march

Richard -

  1. Have a final draft of measurement error project
  2. Get Master's Degree / Do comps
  3. Decide prelim or thesis for other MS



keller_and_evans_lab/lab_meeting.1609432428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/31 09:33 by mmkeller