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This page provides a reference for grant numbers that funded specific projects at IBG. When preparing a paper, please consult your advisor about which grant numbers to include, as they may not all be listed here!

General Guidelines

  • You should cite the active grant even when focusing on earlier waves of data. For example, CATSLife supports the archiving of previous LTS & CAP data and should be cited on any projects using LTS/CAP data (even from childhood/adolescence). You may want to also cite earlier (inactive) grants, but should discuss this with your advisor.
  • Cite the NIH training grants if any study investigators were funded on that training grant during preparation for the study.
  • Consider citing the ISG workshop grant if: (A) workshop-related training supported analyses for the study, or (B) the collaboration or study design were influenced by interactions at an ISG workshop.

Table of grant numbers (last edited 4/6/2023)

Project Wave Grant Number Active PI
IBG Data Collection Grants
CADD Family Study 1 DA005131 No DeFries
Wave 1-3 (R01/P60) DA011015 No Crowley/Hewitt
GADD Wave 1 R01DA012845 No Crowley/Hewitt
Wave 2 (Boulder) R01DA012845 No Hewitt
Wave 2 (Denver) R01DA021913 No Hopfer
Wave 2 (San Diego) R01DA021905 No Brown/Wall
Wave 3 R01DA035804 No Hopfer/Stallings/Wall
Wave 4 R01DA053693 Yes Hopfer/Stallings/Wall
CATSLife Wave 1 (LTS Age 29, CAP Age 38) R01AG046938 Yes Reynolds/Wadsworth
Wave 2 R01AG046938 Yes Reynolds/Wadsworth
COMN Wave 1 R01DA042755 No Hopfer/Hewitt/McGue/Vrieze
Wave 2 (grant submitted) Ellingson
COMN Paths Wave 1 R01DA054087 Yes Rhee/Hewitt/Vrieze/Wilson
COTwins Wave 1-2 U01DA046413 No Vrieze/Friedman
CAP Foundation Grant R01HD010333 No DeFries
Age 7 R01HD018426 No Fulker
Age 12-15 R01MH043899 No Fulker
Later Adolescence-Adulthood see CADD Wave 1-3 No
Age 18-21 (ACE & cognition) WT Grant Foundation No
Age 25-30 (NNSD) R01HD036773 No Stallings/DeFries
Adulthood-Midlife see CATSLife Yes
LTS Age 1-12 MacArthur Foundation No
Infant Data & Parent Cognition R01HD019802 No Fulker
Empathy data coding Fetzer Foundation No Zahn-Waxler
Parent/sibling interaction coding R03MH048980 No DiLalla
Empathy & Observational Coding/Analysis R01HD050346 No Rhee
Age 12-23 Mental Health see CADD Wave 1-3 No
Age 16-23 Executive Function & Self-Regulation R01MH063207 No Hewitt/Friedman
Age 21 Sleep R01MH063207 No Friedman
Age 28 (LTS-MRI) R01MH063207 No Friedman
Age 28+ see CATSLife Yes
CTS Adolescent/Adult Mental Health & Substance Use see CADD Wave 1-3 No
Sleep R01MH063207 No Friedman
Executive Function & IQ R01MH063207 & K01MH001865 No Friedman & Young
IBG Training Grants
NIMH Mental Health T32MH016880 Yes Hewitt (Prior: DeFries)
NIDA Drug Abuse T32DA017637 Yes Stitzel (Prior: Collins, Hewitt)
Other Funding
ISG Workshop Supports yearly ISG workshops R25MH019918 Yes Keller (Prior: Hewitt)
Ehringer Lab Nicotine & Glial Expression R21DA055781 Yes Ehringer/Hoeffer/Stitzel
Opioid Use Disorders U01DA051937 Yes Ehringer/Bachtell/Saba
Friedman Lab Pain and Placebo Analgesia R01DA046064 Yes Friedman/Wager
ABCD cohort U01DA051018 Yes Banich/Friedman
Alcohol R01DA042742 Yes Palmer
Grotzinger Lab Cognitive Change GWAS RF1AG073593 Yes Grotzinger (subaward)
Gustavson Lab VETSA cohort analyses R01AG050595 Yes Gustavson (subaward)
VETSA cohort analyses R03AG065643 Yes Gustavson
Keller Lab Parent/Offspring R01MH130448 Yes Keller
Psychiatric Disorders R01MH100141 Yes Keller
Rare Variants in Large Biobanks R01DA044283 Yes Vrieze
Stitzel Lab Nicotine Behaviors U01DA043802 Yes Stitzel/Radcliffe
Willcut Lab Learning Center P50HD027802 Yes Banich (Prior: Olson, DeFries, Pennington)

Additional Notes:

  • CADD includes CAP (Age 17-25), LTS (Age 12-22), CTS, and Family Study assessments
  • CAP Extra Guidelines: All CAP papers should cite HD010333, the foundation CAP grant.
grants/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/27 15:13 by gustavsd