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This page provides a reference for grant numbers that funded specific projects at IBG. When preparing a paper, please consult your advisor about which grant numbers to include, as they may not all be listed here!

General Guidelines

  • You should cite the active grant even when focusing on earlier waves of data. For example, CATSLife supports the archiving of previous LTS & CAP data and should be cited on any projects using LTS/CAP data (even from childhood/adolescence)
  • You may want to also cite earlier (inactive) grants, but should discuss this with your advisor.
  • Please cite the NIH training grants if any study investigators were funded on that training grant during preparation for the study.
  • Please consider citing the ISG workshop grant if: (A) workshop-related training supported analyses for the study, or (B) the collaboration or study design were influenced by interactions at an ISG workshop.

Table of grant numbers (last edited 4/6/2023)

Project Wave Grant Number Active PI
IBG Data Collection Grants
CADD Family Study 1 DA005131 No DeFries
Wave 1-3 (R01/P60) DA011015 No Crowley/Hewitt
GADD Wave 1 R01DA012845 No Crowley/Hewitt
Wave 2 (Boulder) R01DA012845 No Hewitt
Wave 2 (Denver) R01DA021913 No Hopfer
Wave 2 (San Diego) R01DA021905 No Brown/Wall
Wave 3 R01DA035804 No Hopfer/Stallings/Wall
Wave 4 R01DA053693 Yes Hopfer/Stallings/Wall
CATSLife Wave 1 (LTS Age 29, CAP Age 38) R01AG046938 Yes Reynolds/Wadsworth
Wave 2 R01AG046938 Yes Reynolds/Wadsworth
COMN Wave 1 R01DA042755 No Hopfer/Hewitt/McGue/Vrieze
Wave 2 (grant submitted) Ellingson
COMN Paths Wave 1 R01DA054087 Yes Rhee/Hewitt/Vrieze/Wilson
COTwins Wave 1-2 U01DA046413 No Vrieze/Friedman
CAP Foundation Grant HD010333 No DeFries
Age 7 HD018426 No Fulker
Age 12-15 MH43889 No ?????
Later Adolescence-Adulthood see CADD Wave 1-3
Adulthood-Midlife see CATSLife
LTS Age 1-12 MacArthur Foundation No
Empathy data coding Fetzer Foundation No Zahn-Waxler
Parent/sibling interaction coding R03MH048980 No DiLalla
Empathy & Observational Coding/Analysis R01HD050346 No Rhee
Age 12-23 Mental Health see CADD Wave 1-3
Age 16-23 Executive Function & Self-Regulation R01MH063207 No Hewitt/Friedman
Age 28 (LTS-MRI) R01MH063207 No Friedman
Age 28+ see CATSLife
IBG Training Grants
NIMH Mental Health T32MH016880 Yes DeFries/Hewitt
NIDA Drug Abuse ??????????? Yes
Other Funding
ISG Workshop Supports yearly ISG workshops R25MH019918 Yes Keller

Additional Notes:

  • CADD includes CAP (Age 17-25), LTS (Age 12-22), CTS, and Family Study assessments
grants/start.1681409220.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/13 12:07 by gustavsd