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Internal Web Page Directory.

This directory is currently in process. For instructions on syntax and how to use a wiki, please see the wiki syntax guide located on the left hand side on the “Meta” menu. A video will be forthcoming that shows basic processes.

Projects in Progress

There are a number of projects in progress. You can view/edit current projects as well as add your projects in progress here.

Current Publication Library for Researchers

The cadd pdf library includes prior publications as well as current submitted publications.

Data Access

This will include links to the mydms system to various data sets as well as data dictionaries

Meeting Information

Prior Meetings & Minutes:

June , 2009

July 9, 2009

Upcoming Meeting Schedule is as follows. If you would like to add an agenda item, please click on that date and enter the information.

Friday, August something, Boulder

Thursday, September something, Denver

Friday, October something, Boulder

Thursday, November something, Denver

Friday, December something Boulder

cadd_internal/start.1248813647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/28 14:40 by agross