Table of Contents

Welcome to the [[|IBG]] Statistical Genetics Group Wiki!

This wiki is maintained by the Statistical Genetics research labs of at IBG - Keller, Evans, Friedman, Ehringer, Grotzinger, and others. We are a research group at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado Boulder. Our research includes

You can find out more about our research on our websites: Matt Keller's website and Luke's faculty page

We're hiring postdocs and taking grad students!

We're currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellows. Please contact Luke or Matt if you're interested.

Interested graduate students can apply to work with faculty at IBG through both the Behavioral Genetics program in the Psychology & Neuroscience Department the Evolutionary Biology Department, or other departments. Graduate students must be accepted into a departmental graduate program, in addition to the IBG program.


dev_con The “Developmental Consortium” is a budding longitudinal genetic association consortium effort.


GSCAN Scott Vrieze led The GWAS & Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine use, and is now at U. Minnesota. It is a collaboration between UM, CU, Penn State, UMich, and MIT. External website with analysis plans etc is here.

Resources for working with diverse groups: Link to working list of resources for working with diverse groups


Lab member bios are here.

Lab Meeting

Lab meeting goals and schedule are here.






IBG-RC CheatSheet on GitHub



EBIO3080_Evolutionary_Biology. Undergraduate. This course is an introduction to evolutionary biology, with a lab component. Taught in fall semesters.

EBIO4800_5800_Quantitative_Statistical_Genetics. Undergraduate/Graduate. This is an introduction to quantitative genetics, with undergraduate and graduate sections. Emphasizes analysis and writing. Taught 2020 Spring.



PSYC 2111: Statistics and research methods. This course is designed to be a quick overview of descriptive and inferential statistics, up to and including the general linear model.

PSYC 3101H- Honors Statistics in Psychological Research. Statistics and the research process are best learned by doing it, so the course is organized to give students lots of experience doing statistics and research. Part I of the course, approximately the first half of the semester, covers basic concepts and statistical techniques. Students master the techniques by using them in laboratory exercises and homework problems. There is a Mastery Exam at the end of Part I. Part II provides students with experience in all phases of the research process and it will allows students the opportunity to follow their own topical interests.


PSYC 5541 - Statistical Programming with R - This class is designed to get you fluent enough in the R programming language to use it as your go-to statistical and graphing software once you've completed the class. A good knowledge of the general linear model is assumed.

PSYC 5541 - Modern Methods in Statistical Genetics. The goal of this class is to introduce graduate students to modern methods in statistical genetics that use genome-wide data, to understand how results coming from these methods should be interpreted, and to gain insight into the conditions that must be met for proper conclusions to be drawn.

Odds and Ends

Other IBG-related wikis

Anything that can be posted publicly from our lab is posted here on this wiki. For internal documents and conversations we have an internal wiki. The rest of IBG also has a wiki for other other projects.

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