What variables can be added to the environmental file?
School information from AUS (Not individual child performance, but information school relative performance (e.g., average student performance, school student body demographics)
Occupation codes from Emily Bullen's file (do not have raw files with occupation codes)
NORC parent prestige ratings from CO
Information collected in CO as RDSCONT.DBF with information about school focus and parent country of origin
Other variables that can be considered environmental ???
Do the versions of education used by different students (Emily Bullen, Robin Peterson, Anne Arnett, Becky Treiman) converge on the same yrs of education figures after examining the educational categories from each country
What demographic variables specific to each country are missing (race/ethnicity, 2nd language in home)?
How up to date are the current files (Spreadsheet by country?)?
Should we start compiling address information for geocoding now (in CO, birth cert, CTR report, last contact)?