If you discover identifying information in these files, including names, exact test dates or birth dates, please contact Robin Corley at Robin.Corley@colorado.edu.
It is the responsibility of each user to maintain the privacy of all research participants.
You may access the CAP archived data by clicking on the download buttons below:
Year 7 and year 12 ages and WISC-R scores have now been cross-validated as of 27-Mar-2018
Additional data from the year 30 ARRA testing available through the CAP WIKI: Use the IBG Data Access pulldown above
Longitudinal (cross-age) data files:
If looking for the most accurate puberty & height/weight data, use these cleaned files
LTS & CAP cross-age puberty (PDS 9-15 & menarche) SPSS .sav file | Download |
LTS Height, Weight, BMI (12 months to 30 years) SPSS .sav file | Download |
You may access the LTS archived data through the LTS site in the pull-down menu above (IBG Data Access) or directly if listed below.
Current issues:
Year 7 WISC-R scores were verified (15-Mar-2018) using newly added raw subscale scores.
Year 12 WISC-III scores were verified (12-Jan-2017) using newly added PT (raw) subscale scores.