====== Presentation Mirrors ======
These links may not all work from outside of the Workshop class room.
The following have been found to work on Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. The only exception is Google Chrome on Linux, in which they do not work; Firefox on Linux works, though.
* [[http://workshop.localnet/novnc/vnc_auto.html?host=workshop&port=15900|Connect to the Linux projector.]]
* [[http://workshop.localnet/novnc/vnc_auto.html?host=workshop&port=15901|Connect to the Windows projector.]]
====== Useful Books and Papers ======
* [[http://www.vipbg.vcu.edu/tc2012/mxmang30.pdf|Old Mx manual]] (pdf)
* [[http://www.vipbg.vcu.edu/OpenMxFall09/NMbook05.pdf|Methodology for Genetic Studies of Twins and Families]] (pdf) the Neale & Maes book.
* Boker, S., Neale, M., Maes, H., Wilde, M., Spiegel, M., Brick, T., Spies, J., Estabrook, R., Kenny, S., Bates, T., Mehta, P. and Fox, J. (2011). {{:workshop:2014:art_3a10.1007_2fs11336-010-9200-6.pdf|OpenMx: An Open Source Extended Structural Equation Modeling Framework}}. Psychometrika, 76, [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11336-010-9200-6|306-317]].
====== Useful Links ======
* [[http://genepi.qimr.edu.au/staff/classicpapers.html|QIMR Genetic Epemiology Laboratory Some Classic Papers in Biometrical Genetics]]
* [[https://github.com/PrisonRodeo/IBG-2014|Christopher Zorn's R reference materials]]