======= Homework ======= [[homework_6_ancestry]] [[homework_7_functional_annotation]] ======= Final Exam ======= [[final_exam]] ======= Command Line and Other Coding Resources ======= ====== Command Line ====== [[https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-the-command-line|Code Academy]] [[https://www.coursera.org/course/gencommand|Coursera]] ====== Regular Expressions (Regex) ====== [[http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/Web/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet-v2.pdf|Regex Cheat Sheet]] [[http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/regex.htm|Regex Tutorial]] ======= Code Samples (Please add!) ======= ====== Server and file management tools ====== df -h ### Show space availability in all directories df -h /directory ### Show disk space in /directory top ### Show resource utilization and job status, etc. htop ### Souped-up "top" ls -lhrt ### list the contents of a directory sorted from oldest to newest ### Is your command taking a very long time and you can't keep your computer open for hours? ### Just prepend your command with 'nohup' and append it with '&'. ### This will prevent the system from killing your job when your computer disconnects from ### the server. ### Here are a few toy examples nohup plink --vcf myvcf.vcf.gz --maf .05 & # Run plink nohup zgrep -v '#' myvcf.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > newVcfMinusHeader.vcf.gz & ====== Logging into vieques from home without using VPN ====== ssh @statgen.colorado.edu ### Log into statgen a server at IBG (ask Jeff Lessem ### for an account if you don't already have one). ssh @vieques.colorado.edu ### Once on statgen, then log into vieques from statgen. ====== PBS batch queuing (used on vieques and research computing) ====== ### PBS batch system utilities qstat ### On PBS batch system shows status of submitted jobs watch qstat ### Refreshes "qstat" every second. ### Submit interactive pbs job in the short queue for 23 hours on 1 node with 22 CPUs ### Having 22 or 23 CPUs is helpful when you're running per-chromosome jobs. qsub -I -q short -l walltime=23:00:00 -l nodes=1:ppn=22 qdel ### Kill a PBS job qdel all ### Kill all your PBS jobs