Data listed here was collected at I.B.G. during the Enlistment interviews. Data collected during the cell phone push Qs, along with location data is stored at the University of Minnesota, under P.I. Scott Vrieze's control.
Files listed below contain identifying information. NOT for unedited transfer to outside repositories or users=====Welcome to the CoTwins Data Access Page=====
==== Data files from child and parent from 1st round of CoTwins ====
|Twin Intake items|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
==== Child-based Qs from child and parent from 2nd round of CoTwins ====
|Child Q 1|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Child Q 2|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Child Life Events|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Child about parents |[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|1st parent Q1 |[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|2nd parent Q1 |[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|1st parent Q2 |[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|2nd parent Q2 |[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Twin PhenX items & scores|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Twin DISC items & scores|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |**Merged file with 1st & 2nd cohorts** |
|Twin Intake items|[[|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|PDF of the CoTwins II version of parents' Q1|[[|Download a .pdf file (landscape)]] |
**STATUS REPORT 20-Feb-2023**: Process of merging older files with Cohort 2 files has begun