====== CATSLIFE WIKI ======
**11-Feb-2022**: Clicking to access a file through the mydms database storage system now requires additional credentials. For subjects with an IBG workstation login, use those credentials to access mydms. Please contact Jeff Lessem to obtain access credentials.
CATSLIFE was funded in 2015 to collect a new round of information from the CAP & LTS longitudinal samples and archive existing data into a unified database system. Principal Investigators are Chandra Reynolds and Sally Wadsworth. Although LTS and CAP samples underwent different testing protocols before age 4, and subsequently to age 16, there is a high level of overlap in test materials between ages 4 and 16, and in the three waves of the CADD (Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence).
=== 28-Jun-2023: Some summary scales added to self-report questionnaire ===
=== 10-Nov-2022: Restricted access for administrators to multi-project testing history ===
=== 06-May-2022: Data from CATSLife 2 is available for some assessments. See CATSLife 2 section below ===
=== 29-Oct-2021: Test years and ages corrected for DIS & PhenX eight additional cases.===
=== 25-Oct-2021: Eight additional cases added to DIS file (N=1512) ===
=== 22-Sep-2021: Nine additional cases added to DIS file (N = 1504).===
=== 22-Aug-2021: Data update completed for subjects tested through March 3, 2021 [End CATSLife 1]===
* DIS interview updated 22-Aug-2021 (N = 1495)
* The paper form data updated 18-Jun-2021 (N=1257)
* PhenX interview updated 03-Aug-2021 (N = 1497)
* Qs updated 17-Aug-2021 (N = 1526/ 1319 for CATSLife Qs with 4 retests)
=== 11-May-2021: New Entry system for CATSLife Project Proposals and updated list of current proposals ===
=== 29-Aug-2020: Slightly updated version of PRS data file posted with changes in CAP adoptee ethnicity (Formerly Asian ancestry recoded to Hispanic Mixed based on bio parent responses) ===
=== 06-Aug-2020: New version of the PRS data file is posted with new CATSLife genotype subjects present ===
=== 04-Jun-2020: SES documentation is stored in a new subfolder - See SES below ===
=== 26-Apr-2020: Data update COMPLETE for subjects tested through Feb. 29, 2020 ===
* The paper form data has been updated thru this date (N=1227)
* DIS updated 21-Mar-2020 with total N = 1477 (190 repeats)
* PhenX updated 23-Mar-2020 with total N = 1479 (191 repeats, 4 excludable)
* Qs updated 22-Apr-2020 with total N = 1481 (195 repeats; 1271 CATSLife participants)
* Current address information from address sheets has been entered into address information database for all tested subjects through this date. Geocoding for newly entered current addresses sent to UCR.
=== 14-Nov-2019: PRS scores for combined GWAS samples ===
A preliminary version of PRS scores for a combined multi-project, multi-platform imputed data set has been posted. See more at [[center:PRS|PRS scores]]
==== Testing History ====
Administrators only can access this testing history file (CADD1 to COMN)file
[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5592|Multi-project Testing History]] Through November 11, 2022
Download these Excel spreadsheets to see the testing history by test year for each CAP or LTS subject:
[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=3841|CAP Testing History]] Through July 12, 2016
[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=3970|LTS Testing History]] Through April 23, 2016
This series of files represents data collected directly under the CATSLIFE and/or the fMRI grants.
**Data Dictionary for CATSLife Wave 1** ({{ :catslife:catslife_codebook_dec21.docx | Codebook Updated Dec 2021}})
|Paper forms (double-entered & verified) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4142|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Self-reported Questionnaire (includes fMRI testing) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4155|Download SPSS .sav file]] | [[catslife:Instruments:Questionnaires| Questionnaires (in dev)]] |
|Health and Sleep Questionnaire from fMRI testing |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4689 |Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Pain and CESD Questionnaire from fMRI testing |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4697 |Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Diagnostic Interview Schedule (GAD, MDD, ASPD) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4163|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|PhenX Substance Use Interview |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=4164|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|Executive Function Tests | [[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5621 | Download SPSS .sav file]] | [[catslife:Instruments:Executive Function Tests]] |
|Educational Attainment (ISCED) | [[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5701 | Download SPSS .sav file]] | |
|Polygenic Scores (PGSs) | | [[catslife:Instruments:Polygenic Scores (PGSs)]] |
Two interviews remain missing from conducted PhenX interviews (01-Feb-2017)
For additional data from and current status of the geocoding project, please contact Dr. Chandra Reynolds and her team. Selected census information from first and current addresses available here. Access is currently restricted to identified members of the Geocoding working group:
|SPSS census file for first addresses (2022 version:Individual/Family) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5607|Download SPSS .sav file]] |
|SAS census file for first addresses (2019 version) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5537|Download SAS .sas7bdat file]] |
|ReadMe file for updated SAS census file|[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5538|Download ReadMe text file]] |
|SAS census file with current addresses (includes old first) |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5489|Download SAS .sas7bdat file]] |
|ReadMe file for SAS census file|[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5490|Download ReadMe text file]] |
|Self-reported Questionnaire |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5562|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 07-June-2024**|
|Concatenated Test My Brain |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5579|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 30-Aug-2024**|
|Results from Quodit/Spatial Spy |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5564|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 30-Aug-2024**|
|PhenX items, scales, & timings |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5565|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 29-Aug-2024**|
|Raw form double-entry data |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5580|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 07-June-2024**|
|Restricted-access cumulative dates file |[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=5608|Download SPSS .sav file]] | **Updated 12-Jan-2023**|
=== Questionnaire Data ===
* IRI: Scoring instructions for the 28 Interpersonal Reactivity Index items found at:
=== SES ===
* [[catslife:SESinfo]] Contains documentation on the history of SES coding in CAP & LTS
Visit the archived data page **(includes longitudinal data files: height,weight,BMI)**
Visit the [[catslife:publications:start|publications page]] for links to PubMed and Google Scholar lists, as well as presentations and newsletters.
==== DOCUMENTS ====
Visit the CATSLIFE [[catslife:documents]] page for cognitive scores alignment and geocoding data model.
====== Projects in Progress ======
As of 2023, we are moved the Projects in Progress and Abstract submission sections to the top level of the wiki. You can find it [[https://ibg.colorado.edu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=abstracts:start|here.]]
==== Citing the Proper Grants ====
When preparing manuscripts for publication, it is **very important** to cite the appropriate grants, and to have your mentors review your citations. Please see the Grants page on the top of the IBG wiki for more information.
[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=grants:start| IBG Grant Resource Page ]]
[[https://ibg.colorado.edu/mydms/out/out.ViewDocument.php?documentid=3840|Grant References Word Document]] (older version created by Sally Ann Rhea)