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catslife:instruments:executive_function_tests [2023/02/13 12:37]
gustavsd [History of EF Assessment]
catslife:instruments:executive_function_tests [2023/02/22 14:15] (current)
gustavsd [Executive Function Data Files]
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 The third wave of EF assessment is also a little complicated. EFs were assessed in the LTS subsample (mean age 28) as part of both the LTS MRI grant (PI Naomi Friedman) and the CATSLife wave 1 grant (PIs Wadsworth & Reynolds). 175 individuals completed both EF assessments, mostly because their CATSLife assessment occurred greater than 1 year after the MRI assessment. All individuals from CAP completed EF tasks as a part of CATSLife only (mean age 38). The third wave of EF assessment is also a little complicated. EFs were assessed in the LTS subsample (mean age 28) as part of both the LTS MRI grant (PI Naomi Friedman) and the CATSLife wave 1 grant (PIs Wadsworth & Reynolds). 175 individuals completed both EF assessments, mostly because their CATSLife assessment occurred greater than 1 year after the MRI assessment. All individuals from CAP completed EF tasks as a part of CATSLife only (mean age 38).
-The first publication using CATSLife EF data was Gustavson et al (2022; {{ :lts_data:instruments:gustavson_et_al._2022_jepg.pdf | PDF}}), which provides some additional information. +The first publication using CATSLife EF data was Gustavson et al (2022; {{ :lts_data:instruments:gustavson_et_al._2022_jepg.pdf | PDF}}), which provides some additional information about the EF assessment and effort to harmonize data across LTS-MRI and CATSLife assessments
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 Category: [[catslife:categories:COGN|Cognitive]] Category: [[catslife:categories:COGN|Cognitive]]
 +===== Executive Function Data Files =====
 +Reminder: see this page for Executive Function tests in LTS: [[lts_data:Instruments:Executive Function Tests | LTS Executive Function Tests]].
 +[[ | CATSLife1 EF data - Harmonized]] 
 +Note: This is the harmonized datafile from Gustavson et al. 2022 including LTS-MRI & CATSLife1 (N=1,238)
 +[[ | CATSLife1 EF data - CATSLife Only]] Note: This includes CATSLife 1 data only (no LTS-MRI). It also includes columns for reliability (N=773)
 ===== Data Information ===== ===== Data Information =====
catslife/instruments/executive_function_tests.1676317034.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/02/13 12:37 by gustavsd