# Copyright 2019-2020 by Robert M. Kirkpatrick # Licensed under CC BY 4.0 # This script demonstrates how the "condensed matrix slots" feature works. require(OpenMx) options(mxCondenseMatrixSlots=FALSE) #<--Set this option to its on-load default... #Consider the following MxMatrix. It has no free parameters...: Fu <- mxMatrix(type = "Full", nrow = 2, ncol=3, free = FALSE, values = 1:6, name="Fu", dimnames = list(c("r1","r2"),c("c1","c2","c3"))) str(Fu) #<--We can get a summary of its structure with the str() command. Fu@free #<--Access the literal value of its 'free' slot. There are no free parameters, so it's a matrix of FALSE. Fu@labels #<--Access the literal value of its 'labels' slot. All NA. Fu@lbound #<--Access the literal value its 'lbound' slot. All NA. Fu@ubound #<--Access the literal value its 'ubound' slot. All NA. #Now, imagine we want to work with a 10,000 x 10,000 MxMatrix that contains no free parameters. That MxMatrix object #would contain a 10,000 x 10,000 matrix of FALSE, and three 10,000 x 10,000 matrices of NA. #That's a waste of memory! #Function mxMatrix() has an argument 'condenseSlots' (which defaults to the value of global #option 'mxCondenseMatrixSlots'). Let's change the value of that option and reconstruct Fu: options(mxCondenseMatrixSlots=TRUE) Fu <- mxMatrix(type = "Full", nrow = 2, ncol=3, free = FALSE, values = 1:6, name="Fu", dimnames = list(c("r1","r2"),c("c1","c2","c3"))) #Notice that now, slot 'free' is a 1x1 matrix of FALSE, and 'labels', 'lbound', and 'ubound' are 1x1 matrices of NA: str(Fu) #We can access the literal values of those slots and see: Fu@free Fu@labels Fu@lbound Fu@ubound #BUT, notice what happens if we access those slots using $ instead of @: Fu$free Fu$labels Fu$lbound Fu$ubound #^^^The matrices in those four slots are automatically decondensed to full size and given their dimension names. #We can override the global option 'mxCondenseMatrixSlots' by supplying a value to argument 'condenseSlots' in #mxMatrix(): Fu <- mxMatrix(type = "Full", nrow = 2, ncol=3, free = FALSE, values = 1:6, name="Fu", condenseSlots=FALSE, dimnames = list(c("r1","r2"),c("c1","c2","c3"))) str(Fu) #<--And those four slots contain full-size matrices once again. #If we modify the appropriate slot WITH THE $ ACCESSOR, we can toggle condensed slots on and off (THIS WILL NOT #WORK WITH THE @ ACCESSOR): Fu$.condenseSlots <- TRUE str(Fu) Fu$.condenseSlots <- FALSE str(Fu) Fu$.condenseSlots <- TRUE str(Fu) #Using the $ accessor to give the MxMatrix either a labeled element or free-parameter element prevents it from #condensing the 'labels' and 'free' matrices: Fu$free[2,2] <- TRUE str(Fu) Fu$free[2,2] <- FALSE str(Fu) Fu$free[2,2] <- TRUE str(Fu) Fu$free[2,2] <- FALSE Fu$labels[2,2] <- "foo" str(Fu) Fu$labels[2,2] <- NA str(Fu) Fu$labels[2,2] <- "foo" str(Fu) Fu$labels[2,2] <- NA