--- title: "data" date: "08-Mar-2019" output: html_document --- ```{r} options(width=120, scipen=2, digits=2) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(OpenMx)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rpf)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ifaTools)) library(xtable) options(xtable.type='html') # Adjust the path in the next statement to load your data data <- read.csv(na.strings=c(), file='fake.csv',stringsAsFactors=FALSE,check.names=FALSE) colnames(data) <- mxMakeNames(colnames(data), unique=TRUE) data[['case']] <- NULL # excluded data[['twin']] <- NULL # excluded data[['vetsaid']] <- NULL # excluded data[['age']] <- NULL # excluded data[['afqtrt']] <- NULL # excluded data[['afqtms']] <- NULL # excluded data[['afqtpct']] <- NULL # excluded data[['afqtpcttran']] <- NULL # excluded data[['zyg10']] <- NULL # excluded data[['afqtwg']] <- NULL # excluded factors <- "afqt" numFactors <- length(factors) spec <- list() spec[1:100] <- list(rpf.grm(factors=numFactors,outcomes=2)) names(spec) <- c("afqt1n", "afqt2n", "afqt3n", "afqt4n", "afqt5n", "afqt6n", "afqt7n", "afqt8n", "afqt9n", "afqt10n", "afqt11n", "afqt12n", "afqt13n", "afqt14n", "afqt15n", "afqt16n", "afqt17n", "afqt18n", "afqt19n", "afqt20n", "afqt21n", "afqt22n", "afqt23n", "afqt24n", "afqt25n", "afqt26n", "afqt27n", "afqt28n", "afqt29n", "afqt30n", "afqt31n", "afqt32n", "afqt33n", "afqt34n", "afqt35n", "afqt36n", "afqt37n", "afqt38n", "afqt39n", "afqt40n", "afqt41n", "afqt42n", "afqt43n", "afqt44n", "afqt45n", "afqt46n", "afqt47n", "afqt48n", "afqt49n", "afqt50n", "afqt51n", "afqt52n", "afqt53n", "afqt54n", "afqt55n", "afqt56n", "afqt57n", "afqt58n", "afqt59n", "afqt60n", "afqt61n", "afqt62n", "afqt63n", "afqt64n", "afqt65n", "afqt66n", "afqt67n", "afqt68n", "afqt69n", "afqt70n", "afqt71n", "afqt72n", "afqt73n", "afqt74n", "afqt75n", "afqt76n", "afqt77n", "afqt78n", "afqt79n", "afqt80n", "afqt81n", "afqt82n", "afqt83n", "afqt84n", "afqt85n", "afqt86n", "afqt87n", "afqt88n", "afqt89n", "afqt90n", "afqt91n", "afqt92n", "afqt93n", "afqt94n", "afqt95n", "afqt96n", "afqt97n", "afqt98n", "afqt99n", "afqt100n") missingColumns <- which(is.na(match(names(spec), colnames(data)))) if (length(missingColumns)) { stop(paste('Columns missing in the data:', omxQuotes(names(spec)[missingColumns]))) } for (col in c("afqt1n", "afqt2n", "afqt6n", "afqt8n", "afqt25n", "afqt49n" )) { data[[col]] <- mxFactor(data[[col]], levels=0:1) } for (col in c("afqt3n", "afqt4n", "afqt5n", "afqt7n", "afqt9n", "afqt10n", "afqt11n", "afqt12n", "afqt13n", "afqt14n", "afqt15n", "afqt16n", "afqt17n", "afqt18n", "afqt19n", "afqt20n", "afqt21n", "afqt22n", "afqt23n", "afqt24n", "afqt26n", "afqt27n", "afqt28n", "afqt29n", "afqt30n", "afqt31n", "afqt32n", "afqt33n", "afqt34n", "afqt35n", "afqt36n", "afqt37n", "afqt38n", "afqt39n", "afqt40n", "afqt41n", "afqt42n", "afqt43n", "afqt44n", "afqt45n", "afqt46n", "afqt47n", "afqt48n", "afqt50n", "afqt51n", "afqt52n", "afqt53n", "afqt54n", "afqt55n", "afqt56n", "afqt57n", "afqt58n", "afqt59n", "afqt60n", "afqt61n", "afqt62n", "afqt63n", "afqt64n", "afqt65n", "afqt66n", "afqt67n", "afqt68n", "afqt69n", "afqt70n", "afqt71n", "afqt72n", "afqt73n", "afqt74n", "afqt75n", "afqt76n", "afqt77n", "afqt78n", "afqt79n", "afqt80n", "afqt81n", "afqt82n", "afqt83n", "afqt84n", "afqt85n", "afqt86n", "afqt87n", "afqt88n", "afqt89n", "afqt90n", "afqt91n", "afqt92n", "afqt93n", "afqt94n", "afqt95n", "afqt96n", "afqt97n", "afqt98n", "afqt99n", "afqt100n")) { data[[col]] <- mxFactor(data[[col]], levels=c("0", "1"), exclude="NA") } #set.seed(1) # uncomment to get the same starting values every time startingValues <- mxSimplify2Array(lapply(spec, rpf.rparam)) rownames(startingValues) <- paste0('p', 1:nrow(startingValues)) rownames(startingValues)[1:numFactors] <- factors imat <- mxMatrix(name='item', values=startingValues, free=!is.na(startingValues)) # Remove non-factor columns (if any) data <- data[,sapply(data, is.factor)] # Remove all-missing rows data <- data[rowSums(!is.na(data[,names(spec)])) != 0,] itemModel <- mxModel(model='itemModel', imat, mxData(observed=data, type='raw'), mxExpectationBA81(ItemSpec=spec), mxFitFunctionML()) emStep <- mxComputeEM('itemModel.expectation', 'scores', mxComputeNewtonRaphson(), verbose=2L, information='oakes1999', infoArgs=list(fitfunction='fitfunction')) computePlan <- mxComputeSequence(list(EM=emStep, HQ=mxComputeHessianQuality(), SE=mxComputeStandardError())) itemModel <- mxModel(itemModel, computePlan) m1Fit <- mxRun(itemModel) m1Grp <- as.IFAgroup(m1Fit, minItemsPerScore=1L) if(0) { fake <- rpf.sample(1300, grp=m1Grp) write.csv(file="fake.csv", fake, row.names = FALSE) } ``` An item factor model was fit with `r length(factors)` factors (`r ifelse(length(factors), factors, '-')`), -2LL=$`r m1Fit$output$fit`$. The condition number of the information matrix was `r round(m1Fit$output$conditionNumber)`. ```{r,fig.height=2} got <- sumScoreEAPTest(m1Grp) df <- data.frame(score=as.numeric(names(got[['observed']])), expected=got[['expected']], observed=got[['observed']]) df <- melt(df, id='score', variable.name='source', value.name='n') ggplot(df, aes(x=score, y=n, color=source)) + geom_line() ``` ```{r,fig.height=3} basis <- rep(0, length(factors)) basis[1] <- 1 plotInformation(m1Grp, width=5, basis=basis) ``` ```{r} summary(m1Fit, refModels=mxRefModels(itemModel, run = TRUE)) ``` ```{r,results='asis'} citation('OpenMx') ```