******************************************************************* * Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis (GCTA) * version 1.92.0 beta2 * (C) 2010-2018, The University of Queensland * Please report bugs to: Jian Yang ******************************************************************* Analysis started at 15:52:10 UTC on Fri Mar 08 2019. Hostname: workshop-11 Accepted options: --bfile simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05 --simu-qt --simu-hsq 0.5 --simu-causal-loci simulation_2/common.rep1.txt --out simulation_2/pheno.common.rep1.txt Reading PLINK FAM file from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.fam]. 5000 individuals to be included from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.fam]. Reading PLINK BIM file from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.bim]. 232677 SNPs to be included from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.bim]. Reading PLINK BED file from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.bed] in SNP-major format ... Genotype data for 5000 individuals and 232677 SNPs to be included from [simulation_2/5K.unrel0.05.bed]. Simulation parameters: Number of simulation replicate(s) = 1 (Default = 1) Heritability = 0.5 (Default = 0.1) Reading a list of SNPs (as causal variants) from [simulation_2/common.rep1.txt]. 1000 SNPs (as causal variants) to be included from [simulation_2/common.rep1.txt]. 1000 unspecified QTL effects are generated from standard normal distribution. Calculating allele frequencies ... Recoding genotypes (individual major mode) ... Simulated QTL effect(s) have been saved in [simulation_2/pheno.common.rep1.txt.par]. Simulating GWAS based on the real genotyped data with 1 replicate(s) ... Simulated phenotypes of 5000 individuals have been saved in [simulation_2/pheno.common.rep1.txt.phen]. Analysis finished at 15:52:34 UTC on Fri Mar 08 2019 Computational time: 23.885504 second(s).