Data Access Agreement

Agreement for the Use of Data from the Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence (CADD) and project on the Genetics of Antisocial Drug Dependence (GADD)

I. User Obligations

Data provided under this agreement shall be held in strictest confidence and can only be
disclosed in compliance with the terms of this agreement. Users agree:

A. That the data will be used solely for statistical analyses, and that no attempt will be made to identify specific individuals, families, or households; nor will any listing of data at the individual or family level be published or otherwise distributed.

B. That, if the identity of any person, family, household, school, or institution should be discovered inadvertently, then (1) no use will be made of this knowledge; (2) the Director of the CADD/GADD will be advised of the incident; (3) the information that would identify the person, family, household, school, or institution will be safeguarded or destroyed as requested by the Director; and (4) no one else will be informed of the discovered identity.

C. That no persons other than those identified in this agreement, or in subsequent amendments to this agreement, be permitted access to the contents of sensitive data files or any files derived from sensitive data files without having completed an independent application for access.

D. To comply fully with the Sensitive Data Security Plan, which is included as part of this agreement.

E. To comply fully with the Center Publication Policy, which is included as part of this agreement.

F. To supply the CADD/GADD with:
1. a completed application form,
2. a completed Security Pledge

G. To include in each written report or other publication based on analysis of data from the CADD or GADD, an acknowledgment of the CADD grant, DA011015, and/or GADD grants, DA012845, DA021913, and DA021905.

H. To provide annual reports to the CADD/GADD staff which include:
1. a listing of public presentations at professional meetings using results based on these
2. a listing of papers published or accepted for publication using these data, with complete
3. a listing of graduate students using the data for dissertations or theses, the titles of these
papers, and the date of completion.

II. Attachments

A. Security Pledge for the Use of Sensitive Data and Documents from the CADD/GADD

B. Center (DA011015) Publication Policy

Attachment A

Security Pledge for the Use of Data and Documents
from the CADD/GADD
Pledge of Confidentiality

I, __________________________________________, through my involvement with and work on my projects will have access to data collected by CADD/GADD. By virtue of my affiliation with this project, I have access to confidential information and use of data about respondents generally perceived as personal and private. I understand that access to this confidential information and use of these data carries with it responsibility to guard against unauthorized or improper use. To treat information as confidential means not to divulge it to anyone who is not a project member, or to cause it to be accessible to anyone who is not a project member. Anything not specifically named as “public information” is considered confidential.

I agree to fulfill my responsibilities on this project in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. I agree not to permit non-project personnel access to these sensitive data, either electronically or
hard copy.

2. I agree not to attempt to identify individuals, families, households, schools, or institutions.

3. I agree that in the event an identity of an individual, family, or household is discovered
inadvertently, I will (a) make no use of this knowledge, (b) advise the Director of the incident; (c)
safeguard or destroy the information as directed, and (d) not inform any other person of the
discovered identity.

4. I agree to use data collection documentation (included but not limited to data dictionaries and
pdf’s of data collection forms) solely for data analyses. I understand that any other use may
violate copyright.

5. I agree to follow the Center Publication Policy.
__________________ _________________________________ __________
Name Signature Date
If not PI or Co-I, cosignatory of PI or Co-I is required:
__________________ _________________________________ ___________
PI/Co-I Name Signature Date

Attachment B

Center Publication Policy
Center publication policy for DA011015 (08-07-2009)

The purpose of this policy is to encourage productive use of the Center’s data by all investigators, while at the same time maintaining the highest scientific standards, avoiding duplication of effort, and adhering to appropriate use guidelines, acknowledgment of contributions, and human subject protections. This policy statement updates and complements an earlier policy statement (07-24-2000). The current policy is written in the form of informal guidelines, with the expectation that normal collegiality, common sense, and courtesy is in most cases sufficient to guide the process. However, any disputes that may arise will be resolved by the Executive Committee and, ultimately, the Center PI. [The Executive Committee comprises the PIs of the Cores and Components and the Associate Directors of the Center.]

Anyone wishing to use Center data or other resources for a proposed analysis or publication should first submit a brief abstract, and list of lead authors, to the Center PI who will review it and then circulate it to the Executive Committee and other investigators as appropriate for approval. Investigators with appropriate interests in the data (including the investigators who collected the data and who are
responsible for the human subjects protections), the analysis (e.g. methods expertise), the scientific ideas, or other contributions to the research, will be invited to be co-authors. Once this has been done, the project description and provisional author list should be added to the Center’s list of publications and projects (see below).

Before a paper is submitted for publication, it should be submitted to the Study Coordinator at IBG (currently Sally Ann Rhea) or in Denver (currently Kristen Ehlers) for review of the data collection methods and sample descriptions for their accuracy.

No paper associated with the Center should be submitted for publication without the knowledge and approval of all authors and the Center PI.

All papers must acknowledge the Center grant (DA011015) and other relevant grants.

All published papers must be submitted, by the paper’s corresponding author, to PubMed Central in accordance with NIH policy.

To facilitate productive use of the Center resources and adherence to the publication policy, Core A personnel (currently Andy Gross) will maintain a list of publications, works in progress, and proposed