linux - last (1)

       last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users

       last  [-R]  [-num]  [  -n num ] [-x] [ -f file ] [name...]
       lastb [-R] [-num] [ -n num ] [ -f file  ]  [-x]  [name...]

       Last  searches back through the file /var/log/wtmp (or the
       file designated by the -f flag) to  show  a  list  of  all
       users  logged  in  (and  out) since that file was created.
       Names of users and tty's can be given, and then last  will
       show  only those entries matching the arguments.  Names of
       ttys can be abbreviated, thus last 0 is the same  as  last
       tty0.  When last catches a SIGINT (generated by the inter-
       rupt key, usually control-C) or a  SIGQUIT  (generated  by
       the quit key, usually control-\) last will show how far it
       was searching through the file and in the case  of  SIGINT
       last will terminate.

       The  pseudo  user  reboot  logs in each time the system is
       rebooted.  Thus last reboot will show a log of all reboots
       since the log file was created.

       Lastb  is  the same as last, except that it shows a log of
       the file /var/log/btmp which contains all  the  bad  login

       -num   This is a count telling last howmany lines to show.

       -n num The same.

       -R     With this flag, the  hostname  field  will  not  be

       -x     This  flag causes last to also show system shutdown
              entries and run level changes.

       Miquel van Smoorenburg,

       shutdown(8), login(1), init(8)