### denovo discovery and analysis practical 2015 ## copy files mkdir denovo cp -r /faculty/dan/practical_2015/* denovo less denovo-example.fam less -S denovo-example.vcf ## view program and ESP counts less -S de_novo_finder_3.py less -S all_ESP_counts_5.28.13.txt ## run de_novo_finder_3.py python de_novo_finder_3.py \ denovo-example.vcf \ denovo-example.fam \ all_ESP_counts_5.28.13.txt -q > example.denovo.txt ## view output less -S example.denovo.txt column -t example.denovo.txt | less -S ## view gene modeled mutation probabilities less -S fixed_mut_prob_fs_adjdepdiv.txt ## collapse multi-hit genes Neale_2012_denovo.txt > Neale_2012_genes.txt ## run single gene analysis python overlap2mutprobs_1.2.py \ Neale_2012_genes.txt \ fixed_mut_prob_fs_adjdepdiv.txt \ 175 > Neale_2012_gene_results.txt ## view single gene results perl -pe 's{, }{:}g' Neale_2012_gene_results.txt \ | column -t | less -S ## run gene-set analysis python list_crusher3_5.py \ fixed_mut_prob_fs_adjdepdiv.txt \ Neale_2012_denovo.txt \ JOINT_CONSTRAINT_829.set -p