require(psych) require(OpenMx) source("") # Make a little labeling function labFun <- function(name="matrix",nrow=1,ncol=1,lower=FALSE) { matlab <- matrix(paste(rep(name, each=nrow*ncol), rep(rep(1:nrow),ncol), rep(1:ncol,each=nrow),sep="_"),nrow,ncol) if (lower) {for (i in 1:(nrow-1)){for (j in (i+1):ncol){matlab[i,j]<-NA}}} return(matlab) } # Import the data into R data <- read.csv("conGrowth.csv") head(data) describe(data) table(data$zyg) # Report the correlations within the ages for BPD and the other phenotypes cor(c(data$suc12_1,data$suc12_2), c(data$suc13_1,data$suc13_2), use = "complete") cor(c(data$suc13_1,data$suc13_2), c(data$suc14_1,data$suc14_2), use = "complete") cor(c(data$suc14_1,data$suc14_2), c(data$suc15_1,data$suc15_2), use = "complete") cor(c(data$suc15_1,data$suc15_2), c(data$suc16_1,data$suc16_2), use = "complete") cor(c(data$suc16_1,data$suc16_2), c(data$suc17_1,data$suc17_2), use = "complete") ## Plotting Conduct Disorder Symptom Counts <- function(x, y, upper, lower=upper, length=0.1,...){ if(length(x) != length(y) | length(y) !=length(lower) | length(lower) != length(upper)) stop("vectors must be same length") arrows(x,y+upper, x, y-lower, angle=90, code=3, length=length, ...) } MEAN <- describe(data[,1:6])[3] STDV <- describe(data[,1:6])[13] age <- c(12,13,14,15,16,17) # Graph the mean BPD Symptom Counts plot(MEAN[,1], type="o", col="black", xaxt = "n", xlab = "Age" , ylab = "Mean Current Substance Use", ylim=c(0,1), lwd = 2 ),MEAN[,1], 1.96*STDV[,1], col = "grey") axis(1, at=1:6, lab= age) # Create a title with a bold/italic font title(main="Means Substance Use Counts by Age", col.main="black", font.main=4) # Derive the Contrast Codes for the Factor Loadings orthog <- function(waves){ int <- rep(1, waves) lin <- (1:waves)-(mean(1:waves)) qua <- ((1:waves)-(mean(1:waves)))^2 - mean(((1:waves)-(mean(1:waves)))^2) lam <- cbind(int, lin, qua) out <- t(lam) %*% lam lambda <- matrix(NA, waves, 3) for(i in 1:3){lambda[,i] <- lam[,i]/ sqrt(out[i,i])} lambda } selVars <- colnames(data)[1:12] mzData <- subset(data, zyg==1, select = selVars) dzData <- subset(data, zyg==2, select = selVars) head(mzData) head(dzData) cor(mzData[,c(1:12)], use="complete") cor(dzData[,c(1:12)], use="complete") #@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@# #@# Quadratic Model #@# #@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@# nv <- 6 # 6 measurement occations per person nvar <- 1 # 1 set of variables npeop <- 2 # 2 twins nf <- 3 # Latent Intercept & Linear & Quadratic Slope ntv <- nv * npeop # 6 measurement occations * 2 twins nth <- 3 FacLoad <- orthog(nv) ####### # Matrices store a, c, and e path coefficients for latent growth factors aa <- mxMatrix( type="Lower", nrow=nf, ncol=nf, free=T, labels = labFun("aChol", nrow = nf, ncol = nf, lower = TRUE), values=.2, name="a" ) # Gen effects of Growth Factors cc <- mxMatrix( type="Lower", nrow=nf, ncol=nf, free=T, labels = labFun("cChol", nrow = nf, ncol = nf, lower = TRUE), values=.2, name="c" ) # Com effects of Growth Factors ee <- mxMatrix( type="Lower", nrow=nf, ncol=nf, free=T, labels = labFun("eChol", nrow = nf, ncol = nf, lower = TRUE), values=.2, name="e" ) # Ini effects of Growth Factors # Matrices T, U, and V to store a, c, and e path coefficients for residuals of observed phenotypes as <- mxMatrix( type="Diag", nrow=nv, ncol=nv, free=T, values=0.3, labels = labFun("as", nrow = nv, ncol = nv), name="as" ) # Specific genetic effects on obs phenotypes cs <- mxMatrix( type="Diag", nrow=nv, ncol=nv, free=T, values=0.3, labels = labFun("cs", nrow = nv, ncol = nv), name="cs" ) # Specific common env effects on obs phenotypes es <- mxMatrix( type="Diag", nrow=nv, ncol=nv, free=T, values=0.3, labels = labFun("es", nrow = nv, ncol = nv), name="es" ) # Specific non-shared env' effects # Factor loading matrix of Intercept and Slope on observed phenotypes load <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=nv, ncol=nf, free=F, values=FacLoad, name="load" ) # Int & Slope to obs phenotypes It <- mxMatrix( type="Iden", nrow=nv, ncol=nv, name="It") # Identity matrix (removes off diagonals) SDt <- mxAlgebra( expression=solve(sqrt(It*Rt)), name="SDt") # Standardized deviations (inverse) LatentA <- mxAlgebra( expression= load %&% (a %*% t(a)), name="LatentA" ) # Total genetic variance/covariance Int & Slope LatentC <- mxAlgebra( expression= load %&% (c %*% t(c)), name="LatentC" ) # Total shared env' variance/covariance Int & Slope LatentE <- mxAlgebra( expression= load %&% (e %*% t(e)), name="LatentE" ) # Total non-shared env' variance/covariance Int & Slope ResA <- mxAlgebra( expression= as %*% t(as), name="ResA" ) # Total genetic variance/covariance Residuals ResC <- mxAlgebra( expression= cs %*% t(cs), name="ResC" ) # Total shared env' variance/covariance Residuals ResE <- mxAlgebra( expression= es %*% t(es), name="ResE" ) # Total non-shared env' variance/covariance Residuals # Total A, C, and E variance components (latents factors + residuals) AA <- mxAlgebra( expression= LatentA + ResA, name="A" ) # Total genetic variance/covariance CC <- mxAlgebra( expression= LatentC + ResC, name="C" ) # Total shared env' variance/covariance EE <- mxAlgebra( expression= LatentE + ResE, name="E" ) # Total non-shared env' variance/covariance Rt <- mxAlgebra( expression= A+C+E, name="Rt" ) # Total variance # Slope & Intercept (co)variance + standard deviations Al <- mxAlgebra( expression=a %*% t(a), name="Al" ) # Slope & Intercept genetic (co)variance Cl <- mxAlgebra( expression=c %*% t(c), name="Cl" ) El <- mxAlgebra( expression=e %*% t(e), name="El" ) Rf <- mxAlgebra( expression= Al+Cl+El , name="Rf" ) # Total Slope & Intercept (co)variance CovProp <- mxAlgebra( expression= cbind(Al/Rf,Cl/Rf,El/Rf), name = "CovProp" ) Ident <- mxMatrix( type="Iden", nrow=nf, ncol=nf, name="Ident") SDf <- mxAlgebra( expression=(solve(sqrt(Ident*Rf)) ), name="SDf") # Inverse of the standard deviations # Means & Betas for Intercept and Slope Mean <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=nf, ncol=1, free=T, values=c(1,.1,.1), labels=c("Ibpd","Lbpd","Qbpd"), name="Mean" ) # Int & Slope means expMean <- mxAlgebra(expression=cbind( t(load %*% Mean ), t(load %*% Mean) ), name="expMean") # Fix This so that it is only in the model once # Calculating the thresholds # Inc <- mxMatrix( type="Lower", nrow=nth, ncol=nth, free=F, values=1, name="Inc" ) # thre <- mxMatrix( type="Full", nrow=nth, ncol=nv, free=c(F, F, T), labels=paste (c("th1","th2","th3"), rep(c("_12", "_13", "_14", "_15", "_16", "_17") , each = 3), sep = ""), values=c(0,1, .5), name="thre" ) # expThre <- mxAlgebra( expression= cbind( Inc %*% thre, Inc %*% thre ), name="expThre") # Algebra for expected variance/covariance matrice for MZs and DZs expCovMZ <- mxAlgebra(expression=(rbind(cbind(A+C+E, A+C), cbind(A+C, A+C+E))), name="expCovMZ" ) expCovDZ <- mxAlgebra(expression=(rbind(cbind(A+C+E, 0.5%x%A+C), cbind(0.5%x%A+C, A+C+E))), name="expCovDZ" ) pars <- list(aa, cc, ee, as, cs, es, load, It, SDt, LatentA, LatentC, LatentE, ResA, ResC, ResE, AA, CC, EE, Rt, Al, Cl, El, Rf, CovProp, Ident, SDf, Mean, expMean, expCovMZ, expCovDZ) # Algebra for expected Int & Slope means + sex effects (betas) for MZs MZdata <- mxData(mzData, type="raw" ) DZdata <- mxData(dzData, type="raw" ) # mzObj <- mxFIMLObjective( covariance="expCovMZ", means="expMean", thresholds = "expThre", dimnames=selVars ) # dzObj <- mxFIMLObjective( covariance="expCovDZ", means="expMean", thresholds = "expThre", dimnames=selVars ) mzObj <- mxFIMLObjective( covariance="expCovMZ", means="expMean", dimnames=selVars ) dzObj <- mxFIMLObjective( covariance="expCovDZ", means="expMean", dimnames=selVars ) MZ <- mxModel("MZ", MZdata, pars, MZdata, mzObj) DZ <- mxModel("DZ", DZdata, pars, DZdata, dzObj) sumll <- mxAlgebra( expression=MZ.objective + DZ.objective, name="sumll" ) totObj <- mxAlgebraObjective("sumll") lgcACEModel <- mxModel("lgc", MZ, DZ, sumll, totObj) lgcACEFit <- mxRun(lgcACEModel) # Run Latent Growth Curve ACE model summary(lgcACEFit) # No Correlation Between Slope and Intercept M2 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("aChol_2_1","aChol_3_1","aChol_3_2","cChol_2_1","cChol_3_1","cChol_3_2","eChol_2_1","eChol_3_1","eChol_3_2"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "NoGrR") F2 <- mxRun(M2);S2 <- summary(F2) # No General A M3 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("aChol_1_1","aChol_2_1","aChol_3_1","aChol_2_2","aChol_3_2"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "NoGenA") F3 <- mxRun(M3); S3 <- summary(F3) # No General C M4 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("cChol_1_1","cChol_2_1","cChol_3_1","cChol_2_2","cChol_3_2"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "GenC") F4 <- mxRun(M4);S4 <- summary(F4) # No General A or C M5 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("aChol_1_1","aChol_2_1","aChol_3_1","aChol_2_2","aChol_3_2","cChol_1_1","cChol_2_1","cChol_3_1","cChol_2_2","cChol_3_2"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "GenAC") F5 <- mxRun(M5);S5 <- summary(F5) # No General E M6 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("eChol_1_1","eChol_2_1","eChol_3_1","eChol_2_2","eChol_3_2"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "GenE") F6 <- mxRun(M6);S6 <- summary(F6) # No Specific A M7 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("as_1_1","as_2_2","as_3_3","as_4_4","as_5_5","as_6_6"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "NoSpA") F7 <- mxRun(M7);S7 <- summary(F7) # No Specific C M8 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("cs_1_1","cs_2_2","cs_3_3","cs_4_4","cs_5_5","cs_6_6"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "NoSpC") F8 <- mxRun(M8);S8 <- summary(F8) # No Specific A or C M9 <- omxSetParameters(lgcACEFit, labels = c("as_1_1","as_2_2","as_3_3","as_4_4","as_5_5","as_6_6","cs_1_1","cs_2_2","cs_3_3","cs_4_4","cs_5_5","cs_6_6"), newlabels = c("cor"), values = 0, free= FALSE, name = "NoSpAC") F9 <- mxRun(M9);S9 <- summary(F9) tableFitStatistics(lgcACEFit,list(F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9)) # Get the Proportion of the Variance due to genetic factors lgcACEFit@output$algebras$MZ.CovProp lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.a %*% t(lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.a) lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.c %*% t(lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.c) lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.e %*% t(lgcACEFit@output$matrices$MZ.e) # Genetic and Enviornmental Cholesky Matrices F8@output$matrices$MZ.a F8@output$matrices$MZ.c F8@output$matrices$MZ.e # Genetic and Enviornmental Covaraince matrices F8@output$algebras$MZ.Al F8@output$algebras$MZ.Cl F8@output$algebras$MZ.El F8@output$algebras$MZ.Rf cov2cor(F8@output$algebras$MZ.Al) cov2cor(F8@output$algebras$MZ.Cl) cov2cor(F8@output$algebras$MZ.El) cov2cor(F8@output$algebras$MZ.Rf) F8@output$matrices$ F8@output$matrices$MZ.cs F8@output$matrices$ # The Best Model for our Analysis #Grab the Mean Growth parameter effects means <- t(F8@output$matrices$MZ.Mean) means head(data) raw <- cbind(data$suc12_1,data$suc13_1,data$suc14_1,data$suc15_1,data$suc16_1,data$suc17_1) traj <- load@values %*% t(means) # Graph the Effects plot(load@values[,2],traj, ylab = "Substance Use Propensity", xlab = "Age", ylim = c(-2,5), type = "b", xaxt = "n" ) axis(side = 1, at = load@values[,2], labels = c(12,13,14,15,16,17)) for(i in 1:400){ lines(load@values[,2],raw[sample(1:nrow(raw),1),], ylab = " ", xlab = " ", ylim = c(0,2), type = "l", xaxt = "n", col = i , lwd = .5) } lines(load@values[,2],traj, ylab = " ", xlab = " ", ylim = c(0,1), type = "b", xaxt = "n" , lwd = 3)